Literacy and English 

Aritri – In Writing, we got to do Free Writing. We could write about some of the pictures that Miss Estlick was showing us.

Eva L – In Literacy, we completed a Matilda comprehension. We have been reading Matilda as our class novel.


Numeracy and Mathematics

Hishaam – In Numeracy, The Number Ninjas and The Mathletes were learning about 12 and 24-hour time. We had to convert 12 to 24 and 24 to 12 hour time.

Harry Fi – In Numeracy, The Cool Calculators were doing an end of topic test to see what we know.

Expressive Arts

Gabby – In Art, we were recreating art from Charles Rennie Mackintosh. We recreated flowers and we used cups to draw around them. We were learning how to do a thistle and a rose.

Ruby – We were redecorating the walls in our classroom with our Charles Rennie Mackintosh and Pablo Picasso Art. We also looked through different pictures of us and decided which ones to put on the wall.

Healthier Minds 

Zunairah – In Healthier Minds, we were learning about how you can cope with anxiety and worries.

Health and Wellbeing 

Ismail – In HWB,  we were learning about tobacco and we were learning how smoking affects you and in what way. We found it makes your lungs black and tar is in cigarettes.


Alfie Y – In PE, we were playing a game called the stealing game and there was a bunch of rings in a hoop and when Miss Estlick blew the whistle twice we could go and steal rings from other people’s hoops.

The Change Challenge 

Please see below pictures of our certificates from completing The Change Challenge. Congratulations to The Homeless Pack Company! 


Finlay – In Music, we learning about a music app called song maker. We got to make our own songs, draw on it and complete the song Miss Estlick started for us.