Literacy and English 

Finlay – In Writing, we were writing the end of a story about a wishgranter.

Numeracy and Mathematics 

Ruby – In Maths, The Mathletes and The Number Ninjas are learning about time to the nearest minute.

The Change Challenge 

Gabby – At the start of The Change Challenge we had 10 minutes to practise for our pitch presentations. Then we presented to the class using our Google Slides. My group went first.

Outdoor Learning 

Ismail – In Outdoor Learning we were making toad holes. We had to make them at the side of a hill and we had to put in some wet moss and leaves.

Health and Wellbeing and PE 

Harry Fo – In HWB, we were learning about a serious topic. We were learning about substance misuse of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and caffeine. At the end we had a Kahoot quiz to find out what we had learned.

Alfie Y – In PE, we were practising outdoor Athletics.


Hishaam – In Art, we were focusing on Pablo Picasso cubism art. We had to draw a self-portrait using different kinds of angles. We coloured it in with oil pastels.


Alfie B – In Music, we were exploring Chrome Music Lab on the Chromebooks. We played lots of different games. My favourite was the drawing game.