Primary 5B Week Beginning 20/09/21

Literacy and English

Ismail – In Writing, we learned how to ‘show not tell’ in our writing. We planed our story using a planning mountain. We had to describe our main character at the start. We were learning how to describe different emotions such as happy without saying that the character is happy.

Alfie B – In Comprehension, The Editors were reading a story about the Balaclava Boys and were answering questions.

Zunairah – In Literacy we we were learning different a sounds – ay, ai and eigh.

Numeracy and Mathematics 

Gabby – In Numeracy the Number Ninjas and Mathletes were working on division with remainders and exchanging.

Finlay – In Numeracy the Mathletes were learning about product. A product is the answer to a multiplication e.g. 2×3 =6. 6 is the product.

Harry Fi – In Numeracy the Cool Calculators were learning about the 5x table and 3D shapes.

PE with Mr McMillan 

John – We played basketball. We played a basketball match and then we practised our dribbling and how to control the ball.

RME with Mr McMillan 

Eva L – In RME with Mr McMillan we learned about Islam and Mr McMillan gave us cards with little bits of the Qu’ran and we had to pair them up and learn about what they meant.


Sophie – In Science we became animal experts. My group learned about amphibians. Then we all had to rotate around one another’s groups and share what we learned. We then had to write down what we learned from other groups.


Social Studies

Zunairah – In topic we were learning about the Mantandani Primary School in Malawi. We had a Venn diagram to fill in to compare what Scottish schools have with Malawi schools and then what we have in common. For example we both had chairs in our classrooms.

Sophia – We watched a tour of the Mantandani Primary School and we also got to look inside of the classrooms.

Expressive  Arts 

Hishaam – In Art we were learning about Ndbele patterns. We made patterns using oil pastels.