The pupils worked in their houses today to build an outdoor den using resources given to them and materials they could find outside.
Tag Archives: Outdoor Learning
I moustache you a question!
P4/5 Learn Outdoors
Dexter, Alex, Zoe and I made our very own Bug Hotel in the playground. We used leaves, boxes, stones and twigs. We decided to make a hotel for all the bugs because winter is here and we didn’t want them to die from all the rain and snow. There are 5 bugs who are staying there at the moment, but we let all bugs come and go as they please.
P2/3 Investigate Forces at the Park!
As part of our science topic, Primary 2/3 went to the park to see which playground equipment needed to be pushed or pulled to make it work. We then brought in materials to make models of playground equipment which were able to move by being pushed or pulled. It was tricky but we got there!
P6/7 Visit Whitelee Windfarm to learn about Wind Energy
P6/7 have been learning about renewable and non-renewable energy. We knew that wind was a source of renewable energy as there is always going to be wind! To learn more about wind turbines, we took a trip to Whitelee Windfarm and learned all about how the wind turbines work and how they produce electricity which helps to power just under 300,000 homes in one year! That’s a lot of renewable energy.
After completing a workshop where we measured our own wind energy, we visited turbine 41 and braved the wind to feel the blades flying past us. We then visited the exhibition and played lots of activities which tested our ability to make our own wind power.
Thank you for having us. We loved our trip to Whitelee and have learned lots about wind energy.