Category Archives: Star Pupils

Welcome Back!

We are looking forward to welcoming all of our wonderful pupils back to school tomorrow.  Primary 1 parents are welcome to accompany their child into class.  (Informal entry is 8.55am).

Early to bed tonight everyone!

P2/3 Assembly

img_3175Thank you to the parents and families who came to spend the afternoon with P2/3 learning about the Rights of the Child.  Also, a big thank you to Mr Frame who came to talk to the pupils about the project he is working on to provide more sustainable energy to the people of Africa.

We also celebrated Max, Mhairi, Mikey and Sophie who all earned a brick for our skills for life, learning and work wall.

The pupil council spoke to the audience about their all day dodgeball event which the media committee will be promoting and Zara spoke of P4/5’s success in a writing competition.  More details to follow!

Introducing Primary 1!

DSCN3461We are thrilled to bits with the progress Primary 1 are making at Uplawmoor Primary School.  They now know their way around the school and have been busy establishing class rules and learning about life as an Uplawmoor Primary School pupil.  Welcome to each and every one of you!

P7 Leavers Dinner

Our Primary 7s enjoyed their last supper as Uplawmoor Pupils at the Canny Man tonight. Thank you to the Uplawmoor Parent fundraising group who kindly paid for our dinner which we all thoroughly enjoyed.

Mrs McKay and I had a lovely evening with a fantastic group of children (who were polite and as chatty as ever!)

We’ll miss you P7!imageimageimage
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Star Pupils and Achievements

Here are our recent Star Pupils who were awarded with their yellow stars before the October week.

A big well done to Rob, Garbiel, Abigale, Blaine, Toni, Mikey, Jody and Shannon.  Also, Arrah in P4 kindly brought in the rosettes her Jack Russell dogs have won in various dog shows.  Well done Arrah (and a big ‘woof woof’ to your dogs!)