Tag Archives: Parental Information

Head Lice

There is now no need to go to your doctor for a prescription for head lice treatment. The same service is now available from Lloyds Pharmacy of 176 Main Street, Barrhead.  If you suspect that a family member(s) has head lice, first pop into the Pharmacy, collect a FREE special detector comb and follow the simple instructions in the leaflet you will be given, which tells you how to collect samples and bring them to the pharmacy.  All family members should be checked at the same time.

If you do not find living, moving lice on the scalp, you do not have head lice and you do not need treatment, even if nits are stuck to the hair shafts. Nits are not head lice, only empty shells.  On returning to the Pharmacy the pharmacist or trained assistant will check the sample and if it is positive for head lice, supply treatment and advice. If the patient is exempt from NHS prescription charges, no charge will be made; otherwise a standard NHS prescription charge applies.

REMEMBER The best way to stop infection is to comb the hair well twice a day with an ordinary comb and check damp hair at least once a week.

Rouken Glen Park 11th June

Archaeology Scotland Geophysical Survey Saturday 11 June, 10 am – 4 pm

  • Meet at the Pavilion Visitor Centre, Rouken Glen Park.
  • The final archaeology survey in the park.
  • Using geophysical surveying equipment to locate and delineate the former park mansion of Thornliebank House and the bandstands.
  • The survey will be in conjunction with Edinburgh Archaeological Field Society.
  • Booking preferred but you can turn up on the day.
  • See attachment for further information.
  • To book contact p.richardson@archaeologyscotland.org.uk

Big Fit Walk Saturday 11 June, 2 – 3 pm

  • Meet at the Pavilion Visitor Centre, Rouken Glen Park.
  • The 13th year of this health Walk to encourage all to enjoy fitness.
  • A half hour walk in the Glen – open to young and old alike.
  • Booking preferred but you can turn up on the day.
  • Refreshments will be available to those who have pre-booked.
  • See attachment for further information.
  • To book contact the Activities Staff on 0141-638 4121 / 0141-577 3912 or email: roukenglenpark@eastrenfrewshire.gov.co.uk
  • I would also remind you that Armed Forces Day takes place in Rouken Glen Park on Saturday 18 June 2016, 12 noon to 5 pm.

Free Training in Rouken Glen Park

Rouken Glen Park is offering free training in the Pavilion Visitor Centre, Rouken Glen Park, Rouken Glen Road, Giffnock, Glasgow G46 7UG and have a few places still available:

Small Mammal Training, Pavilion Visitor Centre
Wednesday 4 May, 2-6 pm and Thursday 5 May 9.30 am-12.30 pm

  • Learn to identify and record the small mammals found at Rouken Glen Park.
  • This training gives an insight into the ecology and habitats of small animals with an opportunity to view them up close.
  • The trainer will be Andy Richies, a Country Mammal Recorder in Dumfries and Galloway.
    On the first afternoon learn about small mammals and how to set the traps.
  • On the second morning, check what has been captured and learn about mammal recording techniques.
  • To book call Katy Green, Activity Ranger on 0141 638 4121 or email: roukenglenpark@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk