St John’ Parish (Barrhead) Mission September 2017

St John The Evangelist Parish Mission September 2017


The parish will host a group of 16 sisters and priests who will give a parish mission between 16th -24th September. The order is called the Institute of the Incarnate Word,

On Friday 15th September the parish will host  a firework display with entertainment provided in the church grounds. There will be food and entertainment  for all the family, to which all of the local community are invited. Please come along and meet our missionaries.

On Sunday 17th of September, from 2p.m-5p.m., there will be a family fun afternoon in the grounds of St Luke’s High School. Events during the afternoon include, a football match, The Missionaries v The Parishioners, family sports events and games

There will be opportunities for Mass, confessions, benediction and prayer in St John’s Church during the mission week. The missionaries also would like to visit  you at home, blessing you and your family.

During the week, there will be an After school clubs for our primary age schoolchildren. This will take place every day 3.30-5.00pm.

More information can be found at:


ASN Parent Action Group

Message from ASN Parent Action Group
We will be at The Museum on Barrhead Main Street on Tuesday 13th June, 0930-12, come along for a cuppa and chance to meet other families.  Our guest speaker will be Nick Smilie from East Renfrewshire’s Educational Psychology Service, he is coming along to speak about the service and a short discussion with families.

‘Celebrate Me’ Friday 16th June

As per the May Newsletter, ‘Celebrate Me’ will be celebrate on Friday 16th June.

Primaries 1, 2 and 3

9.30-10.40                            P1-3- Awards ceremony

10.40-11am                         Tea/coffee for parents/carers/relatives

11.00-11.45                         ‘Learning Showcase’ (in P1-3 classes)

Primaries 4, 5,6 ,7

1.20-2.20                              P4-7 Awards Ceremony

2.20-3.00                              ‘Learning Showcase’ (in P4-7 classes)

We look forward to seeing you all on the 16th June!

P7 Uniform for St. Luke’s

The uniform supplier, Mansworld, took a lot of orders from families on Thursday at the Induction Evening.  Due to the queues, some parents probably did not get the chance to order.  Mansworld have decided to maintain the discount they were offering on the evening, as advertised in the price list sent to parents, until Saturday 27th June.  Mansworld can be contacted on 0141 638 7689 and

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