Category Archives: Uncategorized

Recognising Achievements

Many thanks to everyone who has already contributed to our recognising achievement space. You can enter as many achievements per child as you wish! We will then share these achievements at assemblies.

Gaining recognition for the wide range of achievements can increase pupil confidence, raise their aspirations, improve motivation for learning and keep them engaged in education.  It is important that we recognise and celebrate achievements in all contexts for learning, through:

  • the ethos and life of the school as a community
  • curriculum areas and subjects
  • interdisciplinary learning
  • opportunities for personal achievement.

To help us gather this information on pupils’ personal achievements, I would ask you to follow the link below and provide the information required:

 This link will remain live throughout session 2015-2016.  You can add achievements as often as required by entering your child’s name, class and details of their achievement.

Adverse Weather Arrangements

In the event of adverse weather conditions we have clear procedures in place to ensure safety and continuity for our children. Please take time to familiarise yourself with both information specific to St Thomas’ and also information about East Renfrewshire.

Please follow the links below:


National Parent Forum of Scotland

Please click on this link to read the details of the National Improvement Framework launched by the Scottish Government.

The Scottish Government are keen to progress all of the parts of the Framework however the pace of the development of the Framework is incredibly fast including the strand that will see the outcome of the national standardised assessments.  The next stage in the process is the development of a data Dashboard that will contain specific school / local information on the outcomes following the full implementation of the Framework.

The Forum has been asked to seek parents views and comments on the proposed Dashboard which will be available to primary and secondary schools and will detail how well the school and its young people are meeting the objectives of the Framework.  Among other things, parents are being asked what should the aims of the dashboard be, its purpose and whether it should be “locked” at a school level or whether there should be a notional comparator, similar to Insight.  The Forum has compiled a number of questions for parents and this will be in the form of a  DoodlePoll and I will issue this to you once it is completed.

It is important that parents get the opportunity to discuss the proposed dashboard as a group and accordingly the Forum has arranged a meeting on Wednesday 16 December at 7pm at Holyrood Secondary in Glasgow to seek parents views and I hope that you can make it.  It is important that the Scottish Government get as many parental views as possible given the importance of our views and especially given the expectations placed upon parents by the Framework.  We hope to see you there.

Dementia Awareness Open Night

From Neilston Development Trust
Join us at our “drop in event” at the Bank, to find out more about Dementia and how we can make Neilston more “Dementia Friendly” on Thursday 10
th December between 6-9pm.  All are welcome to this informative evening providing a chance to meet people from various services and organisations providing support for Dementia across East Renfrewshire.  For more information call
Richard Leckerman, Dementia Advisor 0141 4105327 | 07787 445 258 |