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Micro-Tyco Enterprise Project

Micro-tyco Twitter

Over the last few weeks, Mrs Gillespie has been working incredibly hard with the Primary 6 pupils on their WildHearts Micro-Tyco enterprise project and, together with other schools around the country, they are experiencing the power of entrepreneurship as a catalyst for social and economic change.

So far, Mrs Gillespie’s Primary 6 class have raised an amazing £250 through a variety of activities and business ideas. By raising this amount, they are providing a micro-finance loan to others around the developing world, helping people to work their own way out of poverty with dignity.

Not only are they helping others to become more financially independent, but our Primary 6 pupils have also gained knowledge and received entrepreneurial training which has allowed them to demonstrate their amazing leadership skills over the last few weeks. Their work is supporting our school’s journey towards the Level 2 Rights Respecting Award.  A big thank you to Mrs Gillespie and all the Primary 6 pupils . . Well done!

Claudia Raso
RRS Coordinator

Reminder: World Book Day 3rd March

As per the ‘Diary of Events’ issued August 2015, a reminder that ‘World Book’ day takes place on Thursday 3rd March.  To celebrate this event pupils can come to school dressed up as their favourite character from a book.  There will be different competitions and prizes to be won taking place throughout the day.  If your child wishes to dress up, pupils are asked to bring in a £1 donation for charity.

Paisley Diocese Synod- questionnaire for parents and carers

Bishop John Keenan is seeking the to obtain the views of as many members of our Diocesan community as possible.  The schools of St Luke’s Cluster have created an online survey to capture the views of our parents and carers.  Please take some time to complete it to ensure that your voice is heard! Link below:

Synod questionnaire

Many thanks for your cooperation


World Thinking Day Monday 22nd February

Celebrated since 1926, World Thinking Day is a day of international friendship, speaking out on issues that affect girls and young women, and fundraising for 10 million Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the world.  If your daughter is part of a Brownies, Guides or Scouts group, they can wear that uniform on Monday 22nd February to school.