Category Archives: Latest News

St. Luke’s Ruby Christmas

St Luke’s are celebrating their 40th year up in Springhill and have been holding a variety of different events to mark the occasion. At the end of this month, Thursday 29th (6-9pm), they’re having a Ruby Christmas Night – food, drink, stalls (local companies & pupil enterprise stalls) , raffles, music, choir, games etc and all for a £1 entry fee for adults (kids free). They are wanting to raise funds for the school and the local defibrillator campaign.

Please click here to read the poster.

Welcome from Mr Gillies

I hope your September weekend was an enjoyable one! I am delighted to be joining the wonderful school community of St Thomas’s Primary. I know Mr Docherty will be a big loss to the school but I look forward to building upon the work that the school community has undertaken together. I have worked closely alongside Mr Docherty over the past few weeks and will ensure that the transition is as smooth as possible.

I look forward to meeting you all very soon. If there is anything you wish to discuss in the meantime please do get in touch.

Your children are a credit to you and have made me feel very welcome on my first day. Thank you to them and the staff.