Admissions 15th – 19th January 2018

Choosing a school for your son or daughter

School admission applications and placing requests for session 2018-19
Applying for a primary school place for your child
East Renfrewshire Council has set up one week when you should apply for a catchment place for your son or daughter at your local East Renfrewshire primary school. You must apply for a place at your catchment school, even if you intend to make a placing request to another school or to defer your place and keep your son or daughter at home for another year.

If you intend to educate your child privately or at home you should still inform your local catchment school of your intention.
You may choose to apply for a catchment place for your son or daughter in either the local denominational or non-denominational school.

If he or she is aged five between 1 March 2018 and the end of February 2019 you should go along to your preferred catchment primary school between 1.45pm and 3.30pm, any day during the week of Monday 15 January to Friday 19 January 2018.

You should bring your child’s birth certificate, your child benefit statement, the most recent copy of Council Tax Notice for your residence and mortgage statement or signed and independently witnessed residency/tenant agreement for at least 1 year. The school can also accept a driving licence, utility bill or bank statement (with transactions in the last 3 months) if you are no longer in receipt of child benefit. If your child is of Roman Catholic faith, as evidenced by a Roman Catholic Baptismal certificate, and are applying for a place in a denominational school you should also bring the certificate with you.

Placing requests
Most school children attend their local primary or secondary school, but parents can choose to apply for a place for their son or daughter in another school.
If you are interested in making a placing request for a school in East Renfrewshire and want to find out more, visit the council website at where you can apply online or alternatively download the Placing Request Application Form. The web page also provides further information on the processing of placing requests including the criteria used for prioritising placing requests when there are more requests received than places available. If you require any advice regarding making a placing request, please contact the Education Department on 0141 577 3246/3578.
If you are interested in finding out specific information about a particular school you should contact the school directly or visit the school’s website. If you want to make a placing request for your child for the school session beginning in August 2018 you should submit your completed placing request form to the Education Department from 1 December 2017 and before 1 February 2018 by post to:
PLACING REQUESTS, East Renfrewshire Council Offices, Education Department, 211 Main Street, Barrhead, East Renfrewshire G78 1SY
or by email to:
You can also apply on line, via the Council’s website.
Applications received after 31 January 2018 will be treated as late applications.
East Renfrewshire Council will conduct checks to establish the accuracy of information supplied which may include visits to premises or surveillance in cases where it is necessary and proportionate to do so. Any attempts to obtain a place by deception may result in the rescinding of your application/placing request and the matter being passed to the Procurator Fiscal’s office for consideration of criminal proceedings.