Rouken Glen Park Talk

Rouken Glen Park’s next (penultimate) evening talk in the Pavilion Visitor Centre, Rouken Glen Park, Rouken Glen Road, Giffnock, G46 7UG

Evening Talk – Buglife
Tuesday 16 February, 7 – 9 pm   

  • Introducing the weird and wonderful world of bugs.
  • Scottish Woodlands are incredibly important as homes for our wildlife and as a complex resource which humans rely on.
  • What important roles do invertebrates such as long horn beetles and wood ants have in the Scottish Woodlands?
  • Why are humans reliant on the jobs that invertebrates and the Scottish Woodlands provide?
  • Discover the different pollinators in your garden.
  • Learn about all this and how to help with Scottish invertebrate conservation in this talk from Gabrielle Flinn of Buglife – The Invertebrate Conservation Trust.
  • A talk for all the family.
  • No booking required.