Tag Archives: parents

Primary 7 Diary for May and June

Our Primary 7 pupils have a very busy term ahead.  Below is a list of planned activities.  Please complete the attached sheet and return to school.
Wednesday 30th April           Giffnock Library
All Primary 7 classes will visit the library to get a better insight into the library system and all that this service has to offer.
Friday 2nd May                       Day at the Movies
A day at the movies has been organised as a celebration for their final year at primary school.  The children will come to school dressed as a character from a film or just be an extra (‘own clothes’).  There will be a charge of £3 to include lunch, popcorn and drinks.
Tuesday 6th May                    Mass in St Andrew’s Cathedral
10.30am Celebration Mass with Archbishop Tartaglia and other schools in the Glasgow South Deanery in St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Clyde St., Glasgow.
Wednesday 7th May              St. Ninian’s Library
All Primary 7 classes will visit St. Ninian’s library to gain first hand knowledge of what is available in the library and how it is used to enhance their learning.
Friday 9th May                        Scottish Parliament
Visit to Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh, which will include a tour of the Debating Chamber and a visit to the National Museum of Scotland for a self guided tour.
We will leave school at 9am and return at 4.45pm, therefore children will have to be collected from school.  Full school uniform please, shirt and tie.  Packed lunch required.  The cost for this visit is £5 for transport.  There is a shop and if you wish your child to buy a souvenir,we would recommend a maximum of £2. 
Wednesday May 21st            (TBC)  St. Ninian’s High School All Day Visit
All Primary 7 classes will spend the whole day in St. Ninian’s.  Classes will leave school at 9am and return at 3pm.
Tuesday 17th June                Leavers’ Mass           St. Joseph’s Church 7pm
This is our Primary 7 ‘Graduation’ celebration.  It is always a very moving occasion, especially for those families for whom this will be their last contact with Our Lady of the Missions.  We would ask that children wear full school uniform, shirt and tie.  I look forward to welcoming family and friends.  Children will be presented with a bible, funded by our P.S.A.  All family and friends are welcome to join us. Please indicate number on return slip.
Monday 23rd June                 Leavers’s Ceilidh  6.45pm – 9.00pm             School Hall
The final celebration for our leavers is a ceilidh to be held in the school hall.  The children will be piped into the hall and we ask all parents to come into the Mensa to form a Guard of Honour to welcome the children.  At the end of the ceilidh, parents are invited to come into the hall where the children will sing their farewell songs!

Dates for your Diary April-June 2014

Date Event
Monday 28th April P7 Confirmation – St Vincent’s 7.30pm
Tuesday 29th April P7 Confirmation – Holy Name  7.00pm
Wednesday 30th April P7 Giffnock Library visit
Thursday 1st May P7 Confirmation – St Mirin’s Cathedral 7.00pm
Friday 2nd May P7 Day at the Movies
Tuesday 6th May P7 Mass of Thanksgiving – St Andrew’s Cathedral 10.30amPSA Meeting 7.00pm
Wednesday 7th May P7 St Ninian’s Library visit
Thursday 8th May P7 Information Evening – St Ninian’s High School
Friday 9th May P7 Scottish Parliament Visit
Monday 12th May Commonwealth Fun Day – further information to follow
Tuesday 13th May Commonwealth Fun DayP7 Rotary Quiz
Thursday 15th May New entrants P1 Open Afternoon for Parents
Saturday 17th May P4 First Communions – St Joseph’s Parish
Saturday 17th May P4 First Communions – St Vincent’s Parish 10am Mass
Monday 19th May – Wednesday 21st May Health Week
Tuesday 20th May P7 Maths ChallengeP1a & 1b Giffnock Library
Wednesday 21st May P1c & 1d Giffnock LibraryP7 Induction Day – St Ninian’s High School
Friday 23rd May SCHOOL CLOSED
Sunday 25th May P4 First Communions – Holy Name Parish
Monday 26th May SCHOOL CLOSED
Thursday 29th May Parent Council Meeting 7.00pm
Monday 2nd June P1a & P1d – Kelvingrove Art Galleries
Tuesday 3rd June PSA Meeting 7.00pm
P4 Mass of Thanksgiving- St Joseph’s Church
Thursday 5th June P1b & P1c – Kelvingrove Art Galleries
Saturday 7th June Summer Fete
Tuesday 10th June New Entrants Open Afternoon for parents and children P1a & P1c
Wednesday 11th June New Entrants Open Afternoon for parents and children P1b, P1d & P1e
Thursday 12th June Parent Council Meeting – 7.00pm
Tuesday 17th June P7 Leavers’ Mass – St Joseph’s Church 7.00pm
Thursday 19th June SPORTS DAY
Monday 23rd June P7 Leavers’ Ceilidh

Event for Parents of Children on the Autistic Spectrum-15th May

East Renfrewshire Carers’ Centre and the Local Area Co-ordination Team

Are you a parent carer looking after a child age 12 or under on the Autistic Spectrum?

Would you like the chance to meet up with other parents in East Renfrewshire doing the same?

Then please come along!  

This evening is intended to give those caring for younger children on the autistic spectrum an opportunity to meet with other parents, have time out, share valuable information, get connected and talk with people who understand. This informal event has been arranged in response to requests from parent carers for opportunities that will reduce isolation and provide peer support. 

 Thursday 15th May

6.30-8.30pm at

The Osprey

Stewarton Rd, Newton Mearns (back room)  If you would like to attend, please call the Carers’ Centre to book your place Tel: 0141 638 4888

*If you require support for your child or need help with transport to allow you to come, please let us know in advance and we will try to arrange this.

                          The Gatehouse| Eastwood Park| Rouken Glen Road| G46 6UG


c/o Voluntary Action| 56 Kelburn Street| Barrhead| G78 1LR

email: enquiries@eastrenfrewshirecarers.co.uk

East Renfrewshire Carers Centre Scottish Charity No SC033142



ERC Parent Workshops

East Renfrewshire Psychological Service invites you to come along to our “Managing Behaviour” workshops in Eastwood High School starting on Tuesday 29 April and running for the next 3 Tuesdays (6, 13, 20 May from 7 – 9pm.  This year in addition to our usual workshops we are running workshops specifically for parents who have children with ASD.  To get more information or to book your place please call 0141 577 8510 or email ps@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk.

Resurrection Rock

Primary 6 are performing Resurrection Rock on Wednesday 2nd April in Eastwood Theatre. Primaries 4 & 5, and 7b & 7c pupils will be attending the dress rehearsal in the morning. Children will leave from the school after morning break at 10.30am, walking to and from Eastwood Theatre accompanied by members of staff. They will be back at school for lunchtime. Primary 7a will attend the performance in the afternoon leaving from school after lunch at 1.20pm and return by 3.00pm.

Easter House Competition and Non-uniform day

Easter Competition

 School House Captains and Vice Captains have organised a design an Easter bonnet competition. Pupils who wish to take part can design and make an Easter bonnet in their house colour and bring it to school on Friday 4th April. There will be prizes for the winning bonnets in each house for pupils in infant, junior and senior departments.

Fundraising for SCIAF

Friday 4th April will also be a non-uniform day– children should bring in a donation and all money will go to SCIAF.
Thank you for your continued support and generosity.

P4, Holmwood House, Cathcart

Primaries 4c and 4d            Tuesday 29th April 9.30 – 2.45
Primaries 4a and 4b            Wednesday 30th April 9.30 – 2.45
As part of our term 4 topic ‘Scottish Woodlands,’ we have arranged a visit to our original school home, Holmwood House in Cathcart, where we will be looking at the flora and the fauna in the grounds. We shall also be touring inside the house to look at the tiling patterns and learn of the history of Holmwood House
On our visit, the children will take part in activities in Holmwood House itself and also in the surrounding grounds.
Buses will leave school at 9.30 and return at 2.45.
Children should come to school wearing wellies, waterproof trousers and a waterproof jacket (they should also wear school shirt or polo shirt)
Children should bring a packed lunch, labelled and in a plastic bag for ease of disposal
Cost of the trip is £1 towards transport, the remainder being subsidised by the P.S.A.
There is a shop in the house and if you wish your child to buy a small souvenir, we would recommend a maximum of £2
If there are any changes to medical conditions / medications from the medical consent form you completed at the beginning of this session, please inform the school office
Any parent with an East Renfrewshire Disclosure /PVG Certificate who wishes to accompany the class please indicate on the slip below
Please be advised that you will be notified if you will be accompanying us on the trip

Parent Council Minutes January 2014

Our Lady of the Missions Parent Council

Minutes of Meeting

30th January 2014


Gillian Boyle, Anne Forsyth, Michelle Hynes, Charlie Jamieson, Mary Moore, Gerry Devenney, Marie-Claire Darroch, Brendan Docherty, Jackie Devlin, Mary O’Reilly, Lesley Garety, Callum Houston, Karen Kelly, Gary Bhatti, Joe McLachlan, Peter Hesset, Christine McCudden, Clare Bowes, Josephine McGrotty, Nadia Salim, Cllr Waters, Cllr Fletcher, Cllr Montague, Cllr Robertson, Cllr McAskill, Cllr Wallace


A. Hussain, J. Taggart, A. Friel, P. Rogers, R. Spooner, C. James, M. McBryde, J. Heraghty

 Approval of the Minutes for the December PC Meeting

Proposed- G. Boyle

Seconded- G. Bhatti

Update on Transition

C. Jamieson had received updates from F. Morrison and H. DeLombardi, stating that the tender was due back on 7th February and that the contract would be issued by late February/ early March, allowing time for the job to be finished by August.

C. Jamieson had had a walk around the Robslee building with a view to assessing what furniture and fittings would be required as most current furniture etc is being removed. He noted that eight classes would be available in the new building, five on the ground floor and three on the upper floor. There is also an assembly hall and stage, a cafeteria, two support-for-learning bases and some offices. There are also some large classrooms and a computer suite. He indicated that one hut may be retained.

Following extensive discussion by staff in the school, it is proposed that P4 and P5 pupils will be accommodated in the new building. It was felt best not to move P1-3 into the new building because thirteen classrooms would be required to accommodate P1-3, with five P1 classes next session.

It is anticipated that there will be regular movement between the two buildings, such as for IT and gym. This is particularly true for the P7 pupils in view of their responsibilities as mentors and wet-play / lunch monitors.  It is hoped that the P 5- 7 pupils will benefit from increased computer time following the transition.

C. Jamieson added that there are some smaller spaces in the new building that will prove useful too.

C. McCudden asked about the current P6 and P7 classrooms and whether there would now be no double bases. C. Jamieson replied that one partitioned room had been sound-proofed and would continue to be used but that the other two partitioned rooms would be used as bases.

C. Jamieson suggested that House assemblies might be a way of bringing together children who are in different buildings. It is also hoped that children will be able to move between playgrounds at break times. He also said that there would be clerical, janitorial and catering staff in both buildings.

M-C. Darroch asked whether the gym hall in the new building is smaller and whether it would continue to be used by Glenwood. C. Jamieson replied that Glenwood would continue to use the gym hall. He added that having the extra gym space would enable pupils to have two indoor PE sessions per week and only one outdoors.

Continue reading Parent Council Minutes January 2014

Cantata – Resurrection Rock

Primary 6 will be performing an Easter Cantata called ‘Resurrection Rock” on Wednesday 2nd April at 1.45pm in Eastwood Park Theatre.  We would be delighted if you could come, as the children have been working extremely hard on this performance.
Rehearsal – A rehearsal is being held in Eastwood Park Theatre on Friday 14th March 10.00am – 1.00pm.  Children will require to bring a packed lunch on that day.
Similarly, on Wednesday 2nd April, the children will be at the theatre from 10.00am until 2.45pm approx for rehearsal and actual performance.  Packed lunch will be required.
Tickets – Due to the number of children performing, we can only issue 2 tickets per child. Tickets will be sold from the school office, priced £3. Please complete the tear off slip below and return to school.
Pupils are required to wear black trousers and black shoes on the stage for the cantata performance.
T Shirts – Every child will also wear a coloured T-shirt in accordance with their part in the cantata.  These have already been ordered from Academy Uniforms at a cost of £2.60.  Please complete the tear off slip below and return to school office with payment.
There will be a collection at the door with all money going to our Lenten Charities.
We look forward to seeing you on the 2nd April.

K’Nex School Challenge

Once again  Primary 6 pupils had a fantastic time taking part in the K’Nex School Challenge. Their task was to design and make an exciting piece of apparatus for a playground. They had to draw some of their ideas before they started to build their model. Their designs had to be sturdy and safe for children to play on.

 The three judges were impressed with their drawings and models.

Congratualtions to Sophie McP and Jack M who won the School K’Nex Challenge. The runners up were Laayan A and Meriel G. They are looking forward to taking part in the K’Nex Cluster Challenge in April.

The runners up were Laayan A and Meriel G.

Congratulations to all of the Primary 6 pupils who took part!

National Entitlement Cards for P7 Pupils Entering S1 in August 2014

Secondary school pupils now all have a National Entitlement Card, which replaced the Young Scot card and is used for library and cashless catering in secondary school.

Forms will be issued to Primary 7 pupils that are to be completed and signed by their parent/carer. The majority of the form will be pre-populated with pupils’ details.

Following the success of last year’s arrangements, Customer First will organise a suitable date over March and Ajpril to take pupils’ photgraphs in the primary school to attach to their application.

The secondary school will  give out the cards to pupils in  August 2014.