Cantata – Resurrection Rock

Primary 6 will be performing an Easter Cantata called ‘Resurrection Rock” on Wednesday 2nd April at 1.45pm in Eastwood Park Theatre.  We would be delighted if you could come, as the children have been working extremely hard on this performance.
Rehearsal – A rehearsal is being held in Eastwood Park Theatre on Friday 14th March 10.00am – 1.00pm.  Children will require to bring a packed lunch on that day.
Similarly, on Wednesday 2nd April, the children will be at the theatre from 10.00am until 2.45pm approx for rehearsal and actual performance.  Packed lunch will be required.
Tickets – Due to the number of children performing, we can only issue 2 tickets per child. Tickets will be sold from the school office, priced £3. Please complete the tear off slip below and return to school.
Pupils are required to wear black trousers and black shoes on the stage for the cantata performance.
T Shirts – Every child will also wear a coloured T-shirt in accordance with their part in the cantata.  These have already been ordered from Academy Uniforms at a cost of £2.60.  Please complete the tear off slip below and return to school office with payment.
There will be a collection at the door with all money going to our Lenten Charities.
We look forward to seeing you on the 2nd April.