Tag Archives: Sport

Inter Authority Athletics – Champions!

East Renfrewshire Council won the Inter Authority Athletics Championships on Tuesday 16 June.

17 pupils from Mearns Castle HS represented the Local Authority and competed to a very high standard against pupils from across the West of Scotland.

This is a fantastic achievement so congratulations to the following pupils who were selected based on their performances in the ERC Athletics Championships held on Tuesday 2 June.

  • Cameron McNeil
  • Hamish Armitt
  • Charlie Oliver
  • Owen Vinter
  • Sam Young
  • Scott Wylie
  • Jack Bell
  • Jack Orr
  • Ross Sutherland
  • Emma Barbour
  • Zoe Wilson
  • Emily McDonald
  • Nicole Nelson
  • Heather Barnes
  • Lisa Miller
  • Kate Saxon
  • Gemma Kerr

ERC Schools Athletics Championships – 2nd June

A massive congratulations to all of the pupils who represented the school at ERC Athletics Championships on Tuesday 2nd June at Linwood On-X. All 45 athletes did really well and many won medals – a list of medal winners will be shared at the forthcoming house assemblies. If any athlete did not receive a medal but finished in top three in the final then please see Mr Murphy in PE Dept immediately.

Some athletes may be selected to represent East Renfrewshire at the forthcoming Inter-Authority Athletics due to be held on 16th June.

SSAA Track & Field Championships – Friday 12th & Saturday 13th June

The following pupils have been entered in the T&F Scottish Schools Championship due to be held at Grangemouth Stadium on Friday 12th and Saturday 13th June.

Friday 12th June
Pupil Category Event
Niamh Grahame Girls A O17 400m
Nikki Miller Girls B U17 1500m
Kate Saxon Girls B U17 1500m
Lauren Saxby Girls C U15 High Jump
Lauren Saxby Girls C U15 Long Jump
Heather Barnes Girls D U14 800m
Lisa Miller Girls D U14 800m
Ben Shaw Boys C U15 800m
Scott Wylie Boys C U15 200m
Jack Bell Boys D U14 800m
Saturday 13th June
Pupil Category Event
Niamh Grahame Girls A O17 200m
Imogen Cartwright Girls B U17 High Jump
Imogen Cartwright Girls B U17 Long Jump
Holly Still Girls B U17 3000m
Lauren Saxby Girls C U15 75m Hurdles
Scott Wylie Boys C U15 100m
Hamish Armitt Boys D U14 1500m
Jack Bell Boys D U14 1500m

Please ensure that you have collected the information from Mr Murphy well in advance of the events. Inform me ASAP if any details are incorrect.

S1-3 Table Tennis Tournament

There will be a singles table tennis tournament running in the PE department throughout the week beginning Monday 1st June. The tournament is open to pupils in S1-3 and members of staff.


Pupils/Staff must sign up to the tournament (by speaking to Mr Haffie) by Friday 29th May. The tournament schedule and rules of play will be displayed outside the spare kit base in the PE department. Games will be played over lunchtimes. There will be a prize for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.

Freestyle Ski Team

Congratulations to  Jimmy Fitzpatrick and Scott York who represented Mearns Castle High School in the SSSA Indoor Freestyle Competition on the 23 April at the Snowfactor.

They had a great day , skiing well and both the boys put down 2 great runs .

Jimmy Fitzpatrick came 1st  out of the  male skiers and Scott Yorke came 11the out of the male skiers

Well done boys!!

Team Championships for Secondary Schools – Swimming

The following pupils have been selected to represent MCHS at the relay team championships to be held at Tollcross Leisure Centre on Wednesday June 17th.

You MUST attend a meeting with Mr Murphy in the Old Gym on Friday 12th June at Lunchtime.

S1 – Maria Vassilitchenkova, Melissa Greeves, Lisa Miller, Rachel McNicol

S2 – Heather Barnes, Katie Lillie, Lisa Miller & require one more S2 girl.

S3/S4 – Kate Saxon, Heather Martin, Zoe Cameron, Nikki Miller

S3/S4 – Richard Laird, Scott Gibson, Lewis Callaghan, Dimitri Vassilitchenkov

S1/S2 School Sports Days – Important Information

S1 Sports Day – Tuesday 19th May

S2 Sports Day – Wednesday 20th May

Both sports days will last for the full duration of the normal school day and we will return to school by the end of the school day. It is really important that you return your consent form (yellow – S1 and blue – S2) to your PE teacher as soon as possible if you have not done so already. This should be returned by Friday 8th May at the very latest.  Remember to bring along the following –

Essential items to bring:


  • Packed lunch
  • £2 travel contribution
  • Plenty of water/sports drinks
  • Waterproof jacket to stay warm and dry
  • Tracksuit trousers
  • Trainers or running spikes
  • Suntan lotion


The lists are now available in PE Dept to sign up for the event(s) which you would like to compete in on the day. You must sign up by Friday 8th May. Speak to your PE teacher if you are unsure at all.