Tag Archives: Parents

Pre-Order Kiosk – Lunch Hall

The pre-order kiosk is now working again and Mrs Ward would like to encourage all pupils from every year group to pre-order their lunch to ensure that you all get what you like and also to save you from queueing too long.

Any pupil who attends a club/activity/college MUST pre-order their lunch as they will not be allowed to queue jump.

Pre-order collection points are as follows – 1st and 2nd year – main dining hall

All other years – open area

S5 Curricular Information Evening

Mr McKenna has written to invite S5 parents to a Curricular Information Evening on Tuesday 10 September 2013, 6:00pm – 6:45pm

The purpose of the evening is to increase the links between learning in school and learning at home for pupils in S5. Mr mcKenna is keen to share information with parents on the key aspects of successful learning at this important stage in our pupils’ education.

Click here to read the letter sent home