Tag Archives: information

Eastwood Crime Prevention Panel Annual Awards

The Eastwood Crime Prevention Panel are seeking nominations for Awards for “Responsible Citizens” within the East Renfrewshire District.   The categories are:

1  Person of the Year (Eastwood Rotary Club Trophy

No age limit Nominations can be made by any interested party and should be in writing including the name, address and telephone number of the person or organisation being nominated. Brief details of reason for nomination should be included

2. Eastwood Chamber of Trade Trophy (Senior Section

Persons between 12 and 18 years of age may be nominated for this Award, either individual, group or organisation.

3. Sir James McFarlane Trophy (Junior Section

Persons between 5 and 12 years of age may be nominated for this Award, again as an individual, organisation or group.

All entries should be submitted to Frank McGee Chairman, before the closing date of Tuesday 10th  May 2011.

For more details contact Mr McGee on  0141 639 5045 or e-mail f.mcgee@ntlworld.com

12 Yard

Do you want to be the face of a new TV show currently being developed?

Do you consider your general knowledge to be better than your peers?

We are looking for the brightest young people to be part of our panel.

12 Yard Productions is putting together a team of bright young things (age 12-17 years old) who represent the biggest brains in Great Britain to front a new TV show.

If you are fun, confident, love quizzes, want to be on TV and your general knowledge is tip-top then we want to hear from you!

If you are interested in this fantastic opportunity please email: quiz@12yard.com for an application form.

S1 Anti Bullying Leaflets

Congratulations to the following S1 pupils for their work on the anti-bullying leaflets in PSE:

1st Place with 40 points = Eilidh Robinson, Mina Malekianpour and Katie Robb (Ramsay House)

2nd Place with 30 points = Ana-Maria Lopez-Ruiz and Grainne Parkinson (Wallace House)

3rd Place with 20 points= Karishma Chandi (Caledonia House)

3 Runners Up with 10 points each:

Amy McDonald (Sutherland House

Katie Baird and Amy Bruce (Balmoral House)

Scott Gibson, Owen Gray and Dominic Griffith (Gleneagles House)

Well done to all pupils involved for their efforts!