Tag Archives: extraCurricular

Library Book Group

Miss McEachern is looking for pupils from all year groups to join her Book Group.

‘We will be shadowing the Carnegie Book Award and reading the books nominated for this year’s Award.  So if you love reading, if you like trying new books and authors, if you like meeting up with like-minded pupils to discuss and review these books online and if you want to earn House Points and be considered for Colours – then join Miss McEachern’s Book Group.  We will be holding our first meeting on Thursday 18 April after the holidays’.

So get involved and give your name to Miss McEachern as soon as possible.


Well done to our S1 Boys, S1 Girls and Senior Boys Volleyball teams.  Last week our S1 teams both qualified for the Scottish Cup Semi Finals by beating Stewarton Academy and Grange Academy respectively.  Both teams have drawn Stonelaw High School in the semis which will be a very competitive match.

Additionally, our senior boys team have made it through to the Scottish Cup Final.  This is a major achievement and will be playing at Coatbridge High School on Thursday 14th March.  Our opponents will either be Mearns Academy from Aberdeen or Belmont Academy from Ayr.

Well done everyone involved.