Tag Archives: event


Congratulations to Gabriel Ross, Sheetal Ravury and Matthew Barclay for their efforts towards making a superb presentation at the ‘Learning About Scotland’ launch event in the Royal Concert Hall last Wednesday.

Mearns Castle was the only Secondary school in Scotland to be invited to speak at the event about our learning experiences in a Scottish Context.

Our presentation showcased the S1 S FACTOR and Art & Design Shirt-creating Project.

Honourable mentions were also made of our S1-6 Music progression route, S3 Business Enterprise ‘Made in Scotland’ topic and work carried out by the English department in relation to Scots dialect and poetry.

Watersports 2011

Could all pupils who took part in the Watersports trip in June please ensure you are available for the PREMIÈRE screening of “Watersports 2011”.  This will take place in the Theatre today and tomorrow at lunchtime.  The show will start at 12.30pm and finish at 1.00pm on both days.  Please ensure that you are seated for this time – don’t be late.  Copies of the DVD will be issued to you as the credits roll.

Young Enterprise Scotland Christmas Fair

The Young Enterprise Scotland Christmas Fair is being held at Braehead this Thursday the 15th of December. Your young enterprise group “TickWick” will be selling their unique hand made Candle Holder and Clocks made from recycled cans.   Lots of Glitz and Glamour for those special Xmas presents.

Trading begins at 5 0 clock until 7 0 clock.  In the Blue Corridor – leading from the car park at the XSCAPE end of the Centre into the second floor of the complex.

Nuclear Debate

Mearns Castle’s Debating club recently held a ‘Pupil v Politician’ debate on Nuclear Weapons.  Speaking for the Politicians was MP and shadow defence secretary Jim Murphy.

Below is a film made of the debate by in-school film team – Mearns TV

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/VbdgPGdWg0I" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]