Please see below for the information shared at the S1 and S2 curriculum information evening.
Assisted Study 2024-2025
Please see below for all dates for Assisted Study classes.
Mearns Respect Matters
Please see below the Respect Charter for all pupils.
Extra-Curricular Clubs
Please see below the extra-curricular clubs available to pupils for Term 1.
Skills Development Scotland – Future Me!
You can view the Skills Development Scotland “Future Me!” information below:
Year group Assessment Calendars
S3 Assessment Calendar
S4 Assessment Calendar
S5/S6 Assessment Calendar
In order to help support your child across the various courses they are studying please find attached the relevant assessment calendar for this session. This calendar will hopefully provide useful information to support learners in managing deadlines and preparing properly for assessments.
We hope you find this useful, any questions please contact your pupil support teacher for further assistance.
The Autistic Collective – October 4th 2023
Wow! What an incredibly powerful, and empowering session by Evaleen Whelton from AUsome Training last week. A massive thank you to Evaleen, and everyone who was able to join us, for your lovely company, contribution and feedback.
Over 220 people signed up for the Autistic Collective event including parents and carers, and professionals across all sectors including education, HSCP, NHS and third sector staff.
As ever with Evaleen’s sessions, we’ve since been deluged with the most amazing feedback!
“This was an amazing session, I feel much more empowered now and reassured that I’m on the right path to support my child effectively. The Q&A session at the end was very helpful and again, reassuring to have a question answered by Evaleen. The fact so many similar questions were asked by different people is reassuring. Makes me feel much less alone.”
During the Q&A, and from feedback, we heard loud and clear from parents and carers that there’s a big demand to host another of our parents and carers only, safe-space “Ask Evaleen Anything” sessions.
We’ve checked our diaries and put our heads together and Evaleen would be delighted to come back to host a parents/carers ONLY session via ZOOM on Wednesday 4th October at 10.00am – 12.00noon. This will be a part-learning event, part-peer support, informal get-together. You’ll find zero judgement in our spaces, only kindness, empathy and some great solution-focused tips and guidance. You are not alone….many of us walk the same path.
We’d love you to join us. We pride ourselves on being a friendly, inclusive bunch and all East Renfrewshire parents and carers are welcome. You don’t have to have been at, or registered for Evaleen’s session last week on “Best strategies for supporting Autistic kids and teens” to come along.
Evaleen will kick off the session on 4th October with a few slides to recap, set the scene and get things warmed up. She’ll then open the floor for you lovely people to ask her questions and explore dilemmas and challenges that you’re experiencing as a family. This is your session, so ask her anything related to better understanding and supporting Autistics within your family.
Evaleen is great company with wonderful energy and delivery, and razor sharp wit. Her past sessions have proven very successful and helpful for parents and carers to hear from an Autistic adult, and internationally renowned Autistic “autism” professional, author and speaker.
Register for your place and get your Zoom link by emailing We’d love you to join us, if you’re able to make it!
Please Note: Due to the nature of this event, it will NOT be recorded.
Apprenticeships and Additional Support Needs webinar
Apprenticeships and Additional Support Needs webinar
Thursday, 7 September – 6.30pm – 7.30pm
Skills Development Scotland will be hosting a free webinar aimed to provide parents/carers and individuals with information on the support available for those with Additional Support Needs to take a Foundation, Modern or Graduate Apprenticeship.
More information about the event is on the Eventbrite page.
Register to attend: