Category Archives: Youth

Saltire Awards 2018

Project Scotland are carrying out a piece of evaluation work and are looking to get as many young people’s voices about the awards to shape their future.

Project Scotland are looking for young people, aged 12-25, keen to lend their voice to the discussion on how we can further enhance the Saltire Awards – Scotland’s national recognition programme for youth volunteering.

If you have previously completed the award then please complete the survey.

TEDxYouth@Glasgow – 31st of May

On the 31st of May we will welcome 2000 young people aged between 12 and 26 years to the Scottish Exhibition Center for TEDxYouth@Glasgow.

The new standalone TEDxYouth@Glasgow event has been launched to showcase the amazing talents of young people in Scotland, whilst providing them with a unique platform upon which they can share and access diverse and revolutionary ideas.

We have some tickets remaining and are keen that as many young people attend as possible.

Tickets for those under 18 are free, details are here