Category Archives: house

House competition

You may have noticed a few signs that spring is on its way. The days are getting a little longer, you may even have noticed spring flowers starting to poke through in the garden or in the park. These are promising signs of the end of what has surely been a long and difficult winter!

Let’s see if you can capture some of these signs of spring in a photograph!

We will run a House competition from now until Sunday 14 March during which we would like you to pay attention when you are out for your much needed daily walk. Look around you for an image that could capture ‘Spring‘ and upload your picture to the One Drive folder below:

upload here

Please save your images with the file name: First Name_Surname_Year Group (for example Sam_Smith_S1)

At the closing date your House Captains will collect images taken by members of their house to create an i-movie so that Mr. Clark can judge the best collective House effort, as well as judging the top 3 individual photos.

There will be House Points up for grabs for the top 3 individual photographs and also for the best collective House i-movie.

Good Luck!

House Cup

Mr. Smith will once again judge the House noticeboards and award points to the House with the most informative, most exciting, most up to date and best presented board. Judging will take place on the Wednesday 18th of March.

Last time Caledonia won 50 points and Gleneagles also impressed so much that Mr. Smith decided to second place prize of 25 points.

Remember – any points won at this stage may well still have an impact on the destiny of The House Cup. Good Luck!