Category Archives: congratulations

Arrochar Challenge

On Saturday, Fraser (s6) and Victoria (s5) McKinlay participated in the 3 peak “Challenge Arrochar” to raise money for the Beatson Cancer Research Centre. It was a 11 mile hike covering 6,250 feet which they completed in just under 7 hours.  The routes chosen for the event were Ben Narnain, Ben Ime and The Cobbler.  They have now raised just under five thousand pounds.

Well done to both pupils.

Arrochar Challenge

Gymnastics Success

Our gymnasts had an amazing day at the East Renfrewshire Gymnastics Competition.  The level 1 team – Molly Fitzpatrick, Emma Barclay, Katie Little and Eilidh Steven  won the Team Gold award  and the other level 1 team achieved the Team Bronze award.  The level 2 teams won the Silver and Bronze Team awards narrowly missing out by 0.1 for the Gold.  A special congratulations goes to Emma Barclay – level 1 and Lori Cook – level 2 who both won the individual competitions on the day.  The level 1 and level 2 teams who gained 1st and 2nd place have qualified to represent East Renfrewshire at the Scottish Schools Competition later this year.  Well done to all the gymnasts who took part.

Group photo


Absent Friends Essence of a Memory competition

The To Absent Friends Essence of a Memory competition ran as part of the Luminate Festival of Creative Ageing. It challenged people take a photo and write up to 50 words which together evoke a story or memory of a dead loved one. The Higher photography class sent in individual entries and three of our students won the under 18 category. Congratulations to Maida Asif, Emma Smith and Amyrt Narwan. The winning images are going to be displayed throughout Scotland for the next year in a travelling exhibition.


Walk to School Week September 2015 House Points Results

Well done to all pupils who took part in this year’s “Walk to School Week”.  Half of the school population took part in “Walk to School Week” which is brilliant and I hope this will encourage more pupils to regularly walk to and from school.

The number of points gained this year for each house group is:

Caledonia 1180 points

Wallace  1170 points

Sutherland 930 points

Ramsay 930 points

Gleneagles 920 points

Balmoral 840 points

The winner of the “Walk to School Week” design challenge is Yvette Barker from 2.4. Yvette earned an extra 30 points for Balmoral House group. Click here to see the winning design

Lastly, a big thank you to all the parents and carers who helped support this initiative by encouraging pupils to walk to and from  school.


Mrs MacPhee

Scottish Swimming Relay Championships 2015

Our school swimming team had a most successful day on June 18 at the 2015 Scottish Schools Relay Championships.

Of the eleven events our teams participated in both girls and boys were in 7 finals often coming ahead of the Glasgow School of Sport.

Our girls then went on to achieve medals in 3 events.

Medal winners were Kate Saxon S3, Nikki Miller S4, Heather Martin S4, Zoe Cameron S3, Rachel Saxon S6 and Katie Lillie S2.

Well done to all.