All posts by Mr Phillips

S2 SDS School Pupils Event for Parents and Carers

Dear Parent/Carer

S2 School Pupils Event for Parents and Carers

Skill Development Scotland  would like to invite you to an event at Barrhead Foundry on Monday 23rd January 2017 between 4 pm and 7 pm for Parents and Carers of S1/S2 East Renfrewshire school pupils who are going to be choosing their school subjects.

The event is an opportunity for you to find out more about the work that we do with school pupils and how we support them to develop Career Management Skills. There will be three topics covered by speakers which will be presented at various intervals so that you can attend whichever ones suit you best. The programme is as follows:

4.00 pm                     What are Career Management Skills?

4.20 pm                     My World of Work

4.40 pm                     Foundation Apprenticeships     


5.00 pm                     What are Career Management Skills?

5.20 pm                     My World of Work

5.40 pm                     Foundation Apprenticeships     


6.00 pm                     What are Career Management Skills?

6.20 pm                     My World of Work

6.40 pm                     Foundation Apprenticeships


In addition to the above, there will be a number of SDS Careers Advisers available for you to speak to individually. There will also be other partner agencies attending who will be able to give you more information on their services and how they can support you.


Please email or phone 0141 577 8547 to let us know if you would like to come along to the event.

The Smoking Prohibition (Children in Motor Vehicles) (Scotland) Act 2016

From 5th of December 2016, a person smoking in a car which is carrying passengers under 18 years of age will be breaking the law. Offenders could face a £100 fixed penalty fine.

The Smoking Prohibition (Children in Motor Vehicles) (Scotland) Act 2016, creates a new criminal offence, committed by any adult (aged 18 or over), where that adult smokes in a private motor vehicle in the presence of a child (under 18years of age), while that vehicle is in a public place. The aim of the legislation is to protect children and young people from the harmful effects of exposure to second-hand smoke (SHS) in a confined space.

Exposure to second-hand smoke in cars involves higher concentrations of health-threatening chemicals than in larger, open areas. Even if the windows are opened or air conditioning is used, harmful particles can remain in the atmosphere long after the visible smoke has disappeared. The restriction of a vehicle also means individuals are unable to move away from the smoke.

We all have an obligation to protect children and young people from the risks to their life and health, caused by the exposure to second hand smoke and ensure that every child in Scotland has the best start in life. Growing up in a smoke-free environment is an important part of that.

The Scottish Government hope that the introduction of this legislation will help their drive to cut the number of children exposed to second-hand smoke to 6 per cent by 2020. This is a momentous step in pulling Scotland on the path to becoming a tobacco-free generation.

For more information, visit the Healthier Scotland website.

Mearns castle drama

Mearns castle drama societies present a double bill of entertainment: “Room 13” by Robert Swindells by the junior society and “Teechers” by John Godber by the senior society. Both plays in one evening! £4 a ticket from the school office starts at 7pm Friday 2nd December. See you there.

Click here for more information

Look in Back Laughter 2016

Look in Back Laughter 2016 takes place tonight at 7.30-9.30pm. Tickets are now only £2.50 and on sale today during lunchtime in the open area and canteen.  Partial refunds are available from Mrs Sloan for previously sold tickets if requested.

Everyone is welcome to attend.  The show is a fun-filled variety show with the best acts from the lunchtime shows at Charities Week 2016.

Look in Back Laughter 2016

Look in Back Laughter 2016 takes place on Wednesday 16 November 2016 at 7.30-9.30pm. Tickets are £5 and on sale Monday-Wednesday during lunchtime in the open area and canteen.  Everyone is welcome to attend.  The show is a fun-filled variety show with the best acts from the lunchtime shows at Charities Week 2016.