Darren Shan Author Visit

The author Darren Shan will be visiting the school on Wednesday 23 January to talk about his new series of books “Zom-B”.  Over 100 pupils from all year groups have put their names down to attend this visit.  Pupils should check the noticeboard outside the library to make sure that they are on the list to attend.  The talk will start at 1.15pm in the school theatre but all pupils must be seated by 12.55pm at the latest.  The talk will end at 2.45pm.  There will be Darren Shan books (including the Zom-B series) for sale at the event for pupils to buy and get signed by the author.

Miss McEachern will be issuing a letter to all pupils attending the visit at the start of next week with all the details of the event and book prices.