Tag Archives: Outdoor Learning

Extended Play Day: Thursday 21st June @ Calderglen Country Park

Extended Play Day: Thursday 21st June

Reminder about our longest day of the year all together play day!

Plan for the Day!


Calderglen Country Park, come rain, hail or shine! We will be embracing this outdoor learning opportunity no matter the weather. This is an outdoor nursery day that you attend with your child. There will be no nursery session at IMFC on this day.


Staff will be at the park from 9:30am – 3pm. Please feel free to attend whatever times suits you. Some parent will be there all day and others have requested that they only attend for part of the day.

Please let Joanne or Donna know your intentions for the day.


Please note that everyone should meet us at the park. If you require any advise regarding travel arrangement please see Joanne or Donna.

Things to do

Zoo – small charge to access this please see website

Café, Play Park, Forest Adventures, Splashing IN the river (Please ensure you have a change of clothes), Parachute sessions


We would suggest everyone is prepared for all weathers as we all know we can have 4 seasons in one day! If anyone requires a full waterproof suit please speak to a member of staff and we can lend you one.

Please note the adult who is accompanying your child has to ensure that they are supervised at all times.

Website for more details: http://www.slleisureandculture.co.uk/info/113/calderglen_country_park


Self Directed Playful Learning

Today one of the children in the morning group was matching, sorting, naming and categorising a range of shapes. Orla was very interested in the kite and could talk at length about kites. Orla pointed out that today was  a great day to fly a kite as it was very windy and so the playful learning, directed by the children was triggered!

The children wondered if big kites or small kites would fly higher, so they made a range of sizes.

The children thought about the paper tearing and what could be done to help – they reinforced with sticks and tape.

The children thought that bags might catch the wind and fly even higher than a paper kite – we found some bags and used them too.

The children wondered if climbing to the high point on the hill would help – so they climbed the hill.

The children guessed that tying the kites to the mast of the pirate ship would really help to catch the wind and fly the kite – so they had a go at that too.

Have a look at our kite flying science experiment today!


Woodland Adventures

Woodland Adventures starts tomorrow!

We are looking forward to seeing lots of children and parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, child-minders or anybody else who would like to join us for Woodland Adventures in Eastwood Park woods!

We are meeting at the overspill car park beyond Eastwood House which is right next to woodland area.

This is an inclusive learning experience open to all children across all three playrooms so please come and join Colette for outdoor adventures.

Woodland Adventure dates are as follows:

Friday 17th February

Wednesday 23rd February

Tuesday 28th February

Monday 6th March

Children who attend morning nursery session are invited to join Woodland Adventures at 9am and afternoon session children are invited to join at 1pm. 

Please see attached ‘Woodland Adventures’ flier for more information and some handy hints.

Please let us know if you are planning to join the group.

Woodland Adventures Info

New Outdoor Resource

IMFC Nature Nurture Project     GetImage

In March 2016 the Family Centre made an application to the Tesco Bags of Help Grant Scheme and were DELIGHTED to discover that our application was chosen by the shortlisting panel!

We went on to win third prize for our project and were awarded £8000.

Work began on the ground at the start of the New Year and today children from the Family Centre and from Isobel Mair School had first dibs on the new embankment slide.

We are sure this new resource will create fun and laughter for many years to come! Children are developing a wide array of skills whilst accessing this new resource including climbing, balancing, risk assessing, safety, sharing, turn taking, hand/eye co-ordination, spatial awareness, team work, perseverance in addition to developing core strength and body awareness, muscle tone development not to mention fun and laughter!

Have a look for yourself 🙂


Outdoor Play 2017

The children at IMFC play outside every day, no matter what the weather!

Children learn so many valuable skills whilst accessing the outdoor spaces for learning; from self help skills and independence whilst getting dressed and undressed for outdoors to safety when handling tools, sharing and co-operation with others not to mention team work, problem solving and self-risk management!

The children may go home a little muddy on occasion but we know it is well worth it!

Remember, the children are all wrapped up well against the cold and there are more germs in the nursery playroom than there are outdoors so please encourage your child to explore the outdoors as much as possible!

Have a look at the photo gallery and I’m sure you will be amazed at the wealth of learning taking place outwith the doors of the playrooms 🙂