Category Archives: Health and Wellbeing

Breastfeeding Friendly Accreditation

We have recently been working towards Breastfeeding Friendly Accreditation and following an inspection visit on Thursday 19th November we are delighted to announce we have been accredited!


Breastfeeding can make a substantial contribution to child health and development. Breastfeeding offers protection to children from a range of conditions including chest and ear infections, stomach bugs, obesity and diabetes. Mothers who breastfeed also have a lower risk of ovarian cancer, breast cancer and hip fracture in later life.

A key benefit of breastfeeding is that it can happen at any time and in any place, but for it to be effective, both mother and child should feel relaxed. Any embarrassing interruptions during breastfeeding can result in an upset mother and a crying and hungry baby.

Staff are always prepared to offer assistance i.e. find an area for mother and child, offer a drink. Some mothers may want to feed in private, in this case an area will be offered to the mother and staff should make every effort to ensure the mother and child are undisturbed.

At Isobel Mair Family Centre, staff recognise the health benefits of breastfeeding and understand the right of the mother to breastfeed as and when required. The benefits of breastfeeding are promoted throughout the Centre through staff/child interactions and discussion, posters, signage and resources.

‘Women’s Health & Beauty Evening’

We are all really looking forward to the upcoming fundraising event…..last few tickets remaining so you’d better be quick if you want to join the fun!

Pop in to buy your ticket – don’t miss out on what’s going to be a fab night!

Click on the link to find out more:

Women’s Health & Wellbeing Evening Poster

Women's Night Out

Sunny Weather Alert

Hooray….the sun has decided to put in an appearance at long last…..long may the sun shine!

Sadly, many children arrived at nursery this morning without sun cream applied and without sun hats.

Parents are responsible for their child’s care in the sun – we are happy to ‘top up’ children’s sun lotion as required when they attend on an extended day service however parents must apply sun cream before their child attends during the summer weeks.

Please click on our link below to read our Sun Protection Policy:

Sun Protection Policy

Keep Safe in the Sun Everyone!!

sun safe

Oral Health Update

Miss Dewhurst and Miss McNeill have supported the children’s interest in this area and helped learning to develop in response to children’s ideas.

The children have planned some great ideas and all sorts of fun learning experiences are taking place within the centre.

The children have made a large ‘healthy smile’ from recycled materials and modroc. The children are using the SMART board to learn about dental decay and have been using laminated teeth with dirty spots to extend this further!

Miss Dewhurst contacted our Childsmile oral health promoter, Debbie Wilson to arrange for the children to have use of some  dental role play resources.

Have a look and let us know your thoughts about the learning taking place…..


Childsmile Month

At Isobel Mair Family Centre all staff are committed to Oral Health Promotion.

We have maintained a 100% parent consent for our toothbrushing since starting the programme in 2011. All staff are trained and ensure the correct procedures are implemented when toothbrushing.

As part of our ongoing oral health promotion, we are taking part in Childsmile Month; raising awareness of the important messages about good dental health and hygiene.

Miss Hannah Dewhurst is our lead practitioner in oral health promotion. In addition to her role as Child Development Officer within Cara Playroom, Hannah takes on responsibility for overseeing the Childsmile programme,  liaising with the Oral Health Promoter from East Renfrewshire. Hannah has been working with the children in a variety of way to promote oral health key messages.

Have a look at our photographs and come and see the work the children have been doing.

Remember to participate in the ‘Design a Toothbrush’ competition! The children came up with this idea when planning their learning with Hannah.




Attention Parents – Competition Time!

It is Child Smile Month and our children have been learning all about the importance of good oral health.

Through discussion, the children have decided that it would be fun to have a competition involving their parents/carers.

Let’s see how crafty you can be by joining in with our

‘Design Your Own Toothbrush Competition!


Use your imagination and see what you can come up with! 

Bring your toothbrush model in to nursery and we will be sure to display all entries in our foyer.

The deadline for the competition is Friday the 6th of March.

1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes to be won!

Welly Waddle Fundraising Event

All parents should have been given an information letter and accompanying sponsor form this week.

If not, please collect from the front desk in our foyer.

For more information on our Welly Waddle plans please click below:

WellyWaddle Sponsor Letter

Welly Waddle Sponsor Form