Tag Archives: World Book Day

World Book Day 2020

We are celebrating World Book Day tomorrow, Thursday 5th March.

Dressing up is optional for all pupils and staff.

There will be lots of  #WorldBookDay2020 activities throughout the day to celebrate.

Please share a picture with us of your child reading at home. #getcaughtreading  #literacy  @WorldBookDayUK

World Book Day

Rescheduled World Book Day

We will be celebrating World Book Day at a special assembly on Thursday 15th March. Children can come to school with their favourite books and dress up is optional. Prizes will be awarded for nursery, primary and secondary best costume.  #WorldBookDay2018

World Book Day

Rescheduled World Book Day

We will be celebrating World Book Day at a special assembly on Thursday 15th March. Children can come to school with their favourite books and dress up is optional. Prizes will be awarded for nursery, primary and secondary best costume.  #WorldBookDay2018

World Book Day 2018

World Book Day is fast approaching!

Exciting events have been planned for school and our usual dressing up and assembly will be on 1st March the official World Book Day.

Could you please send in any pictures of your child taking part in any literacy experiences, this could be library visits, reading with family member, or even the most creative and different place to read a story. This will allow us to add them to a slideshow to be shown at our assembly.

Photographs to be sent into school by Wednesday 28th February.

Thank you for supporting WBD 2018.




World Book Day Assembly 2017

What a wonderful week of World Book Day activities organised by Mrs Barron and Miss Dewhurst.

We’ve had storytelling, sensory story with Mrs Wako, visits to book stores and libraries. Our week finished with a whole school assembly and Miss Scrimgeour’s legendary quiz.

Thank you to everyone for participating in this years activities.


World Book Day 2017

It’s been a busy week at IMS as we celebrate World Book Day.

All classes were invited to the Mod to browse and buy some of the books from Usbournes, their was a hype of activity as they made decisions of which books to buy for class.

Class Mull loved to look at all the books but it was such a hard decision to choose one to take back to class.

Clasd Arran had a lovely visit to Waterstones, Newton Mearns for a story telling session from the staff. Thank you for taking the time out to read us some stories. Our Head Boy Rob, was totally immersed in all the books and loved the stories. Olivia and Peter were delighted with the visual aids to support the stories.


World Book Day Assembly

Today is our World Book Day assembly with Miss Scrimgeour and her legendary quiz.

We are looking forward to seeing all our pupils and staff dressed up as their favourite story characters.

Thank You to everyone involved who helped make our World Book Day celebrations a huge success .

Every class embraced this celebration with a host of activities taking place throughout the week, with some extended into next week. Photos to follow.


World Book Day 2017

img_1582‪The countdown is on for World Book Day 2017 which takes place on Thursday 2nd March.

Our activities start on Wednesday 1st March with storytelling from Usbourne Books.

Thursday 2nd March Mrs Boyle leads some Bookbug sessions for pupils in P1- P3.

Friday 3rd March all Pupils and staff can come dressed as their favourite story character for a fun day of activities organised by Mrs Barron and Miss Dewhurst.

Activities include a sensory story extravaganza with Mrs Wako and interactive story from the senior leadership team and office staff.

World Book Day activities culminate on Friday afternoon with whole school assembly and prizes for best dressed story characters.

Please remember your £1 donation

World Book Day

Last day of the World Book Day celebrations.

We have had lots going on this week to celebrate World Book Day.

Invited storytellers came into school and we also had a story from the child smile team.

Our senior management team led stories on Thursday and Friday and we finished off the week with a whole school assembly.

Classes have been engaging in lots of imaginative activities to
foster an enjoyment of reading.

We’ve had the Hungry caterpillar, Flat Stanley, the Gingerbread Man, the Smartest Giant in Town, the Borrowers and the seniors have been attending the library at Woodfarm High School to read some books. Flat Stanley treasure hunts took place around the school and the ISS@Ims group performed an interactive
“The Smartest Giant in Town” for the Family Centre pupils.

At this afternoons assembly, certificates were awarded to the
best dressed, and classes all presented about the activities
they undertook for the week.
The young people were so proud of their achievements and
took great delight explaining all about their book topics.

Thank you to Miss Dewhurst and Mrs Barron for organising World Book Day 2016



World Book Day

world book dayWe are celebrating World Book Day on Wednesday 3rd March. We will also have  a variety of events taking place throughout the week.

We have a storyteller visiting school and will spend some time telling stories with a sensory element.

Our  senior management team have agreed to take part and they will be out storytellers on Thursday afternoon and Friday morning. The pupils are quite excited about this……….


World Book Day

World Book Day Celebrations

Our World Book Day Celebrations begin on Thursday 6th March where all the classes are working together on a particular book theme, i.e Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch, the Tiger Who Came to Tea and Alice in Wonderland.
Classes will be performing either a dramatisation, poems, interactive lessons or songs from the stories and finishing off with a tea party in each of the lochs.

On Friday 6th March all pupils are encouraged to  bring £1 and dress up as a  favourite story character. Our day wil be finished off with a whole school assembly.

I wonder what character Mrs Wallace will be this year!