Tag Archives: Sensory Garden

Parent Ground Force in Action

Recruiting New Volunteers

Tiree pupils helped some of our parent gardening volunteers in the sensory garden this morning. 

All classes were asked to grow some plants and class Tiree grew peas in class and helped to look after them.

Today they transplanted them into the sensory garden. The pupils were all very excited to help Freya’s mum and Amber’s mum look after the sensory garden.


Sensory Garden

Do you have green fingers?

Thanks to some of our parents, our sensory garden is looking great.The Big Dig

Do you have green fingers and some free time? The Parent Gardening Club are looking for more parent volunteers to help out in the sensory garden on 20th Oct at 10am.

If you can make it, either let the school know via the home/school diary or just turn up on the morning.

We look forward to seeing you.




Sensory Makeover

Sensory Makeover

On Friday, we were delighted to welcome visitors from Young Enterprise Scotland and volunteers from Barclays Bank to work with some of our pupils to makeover our sensory garden.

It was a very productive day with lots of team building, collaboration and developing skills.

We are extremely grateful to everyone who helped out on the day and delighted that the sun was shining.

Have a look at the photographs below, we are all very pleased with the results and the staff and pupils look forward to using the very colourful Sensory Garden.

Click here

Makeover @ IMS

Our Sensory Garden is Having a Makeover

On Friday our Sensory Garden is getting a makeover thanks to Young Enterprise Scotland and volunteers from Barclays Bank.

They have worked with the school eco committee to develop some exciting plans for the garden including seating, lights and a herb area.

We are all looking forward to seeing our ideas come to life.

Watch this space for more updates and hopefully the sun will be shining on Friday!

Gardening @ Ims

Gardening @ IMS

Classes Islay, Skye, Tiree and Whalsay have had a very productive morning, working in the sensory garden.
We were planting different flowers to make the garden more colourful. Lots of skills involved for the pupils and gave them a great sense of achievement.
All the hard work and digging was worth it, our sensory garden looks great although is a work in progress.