Tag Archives: Sensory Activities

Snow much fun!

Class Arran brought the outdoors Indoors as part of their 50 things to do before you leave IMS.

They had great fun exploring the sensory properties of snow and made tiny snowman.

Jasmine, our bilingual support worker judged the competition and declared that peter Brown was the winner, well done Peter.


Sensory Art

Class Arran have been making handprints during their sensory art activity.

They were encouraged to select their own colour, explore the smell and texture of the paint.  Peter then followed instructions on how to make his hand print.

The best part was when the glitter tub was introduced and the pupils were able to experiment where to place it. Not all of it went on the hand prints though!



Pupils, staff and parents have travelled on a very magical journey to Narnia with class Arran.

An amazing sensory experience for all pupils.

Let the photos tell the story…….

Sensory Story

The Smartest Giant in Town

Class Arran & Bute enjoyed a sensory story today, The Smartest Giant in Town. Thank you to our volunteer Phil who played the part of George.

The class also made some crowns and ties for the story and they invited their friends from class Bute to come and join in.

Looks like everyone enjoyed the sensory experience.