Tag Archives: Parent Council

Save the Date

Save the date!

Parent Council Meeting will take place  on Thursday  17th May at 7.00 PM .

Thank you to everyone who responded to Graham’s email. Looking forward to seeing all the new and more familiar faces at the meeting.

Coffee and Biscuits will be available.

Christmas Fair

It’s the Isobel Mair School Christmas Fair tonight from 6:30 -8pm.

Come along and join us and buy some of the amazing crafts made by the pupils. We will also have some local businesses who be at the fair selling some of their crafts.

The Community Unity choir will also be entertaining us with some Christmas carols.

Come along and support the school and Parent Council and help us to beat last years target.christmas-fair


Donations for Christmas Fair

pcWe are looking for donations from Parents/Carers/Friends/Family to sell on the day to raise funds for the school.

Please send in the following items to help support the
Parent Council:
BOTTLES or GIFTS for the Tombola Stall and Raffle
(These can be any food or drink bottles – alcoholic/non-alcoholic,
or any unwanted gifts or donations in good condition)

w/c 28 November HOMEBAKING (up to  morning of (1st December)

Last year we raised over £2000 much needed funds for the
school- LET’S BEAT THAT!
It is a really important fund raiser for the school so we need your support to donate, come along , buy raffle tickets and make
it a success.
Many Thanks. (IMS School & Parent Council).

Summer Fayre

IMS Parent Council are looking for donations for the Summer Fayre to help raise funds for the school.

Bottles for the bottle stall w/c 30th May up to 11th June.
Home baking ( from Friday 10th till Saturday 11th June.

We need to raise money for the extra curricula activities taking place  at school. We would really appreciate your support with donations, attendance at the Fayre and buying raffle tickets, in order to make this a great success .
Many thanks

summer fayre