Tag Archives: MairwavesFM

mAIRwaves have posted a new recording

50 Outdoor Challenges

Classes Tiree and Whalsay have been busy working on their 50 things to do outdoors before you leave Isobel Mair School.

It was such a lovely day on Tuesday 6th May that they decided to put a tent and walk bare foot in the grass.

This was a great learning experience for the pupils as they had to collaborate and problem solve with each other.

Listen as they discuss their day during mAIRwavesFM.

mAIRwavesFM have posted a new recording


mAIRwavesFM have posted a new recording linked to their Science topic. 

Listen here to see if they have met the success criteria during a recording of mAIRwavesFM

This week the experiences and outcomes were:

I am aware of different types of energy around me and can show their importance to everyday life and my survival. SCN 1-04a
By exploring and using technologies in the wider world, I can consider the ways in which they help. TCH 1-01a
I explore materials, tools and software to discover what they can do and how I can use them to help solve problems and construct 3D objects which may have moving parts. TCH 1-12a

Learning Intentions
To identify 3 sources of renewable energy
To explore technologies in the wider world
To explore different materials
To construct 3D objects which may have moving parts 

 Success Criteria
I can identify 2 technologies which provide renewable energy
I can explore a variety of materials
I can choose which materials would work best to create an object with moving parts
I can construct a 3D object related to renewable energy with moving parts

mAIRwavesFM have posted a new recording

mAIRwaves have posted a new recording.

This week our guest presenter was Adam and our topic is Thailand.

The class have been following the adventures of Miss Turner and she sent them some information about her time in Thailand. The class then had to research more information and report back to the class.

Listen to their recording to find out about some of the information they researched.

Have a look at the learning intentions and success criteria for the mAIRwaves project.

Learning Intention

To develop your confidence when speaking in  front of an audience                
To use my voice to speak in a clear and audible voice.
To use recording equipment.                                                                                              
To discuss a range of topics.

 Success Criteria

I can work with class Whalsay to record MairWaves
I can use the recording equipment independently.                                                  
I can talk slowly and carefully.
I can work with a group to generate questions and answers.                                
I can present to my peers.

mAIRwavesFM have posted a new recording

This week on mAIRwavesFM  class Whalsay and Tiree discuss their recent findings all about safety in the kitchen.

Musa was our guest presenter and introcued this weeks topic.

The class had an interactive lesson using the SMARTBoard, where they had to find dangers in the kitchen, then identify them and state why they would be a danger.

Their learning intentions and success criteria can be found below

Learning Intentions:

1. To understand the dangers when working in the kitchen

2. To identify who can help us when we are working in the kitchen

 Success Criteria:

1. I can state 2 possible dangers when working in the kitchen

2. I can state the name of 1 or 2 people who can help me in the kitchen

Listen here to see if they have met their success criteria.

mAIRwavesFM have posted a new recording

The Mair the Merrier Cafe

Listen to classes Whalsay and Tiree as they discuss what jobs they are going to undertake as part of their enterprise activity. After a collaborative discussion they decided to start up an enterprise business and create a cafe.
Lots of skills have been involved,
making learning active, challenging and enjoyable for the pupils.

Listen to this weeks recording with Mr Whyte.

Thanks to Sarah who introduced this weeks mAIRwvavesFM.



mAIRwaves FM have posted a new recording

mAIRwaves FM


During todays recording of mAIRwaves classes Tiree and Whalsay discussed things they would like to learn at school this year.

They had a discussion about they wanted to learn in maths and english and then recorded their answers on a document which will be saved as evidence. 

At the end of the school year the pupils will evaluate how successful they have been in their target setting.

Everyone worked so hard during the lesson and were proud of their achievements.

 Listen to the our audio recordings.