Tag Archives: Ideas and places to visit

Culzean – First Makaton Friendly Castle

Culzean – First Makaton Friendly Castle

Culzean Castle and Country Park is one of the most visited heritage attractions in Scotland.
It’s located in South Ayrshire and is cared for by the National Trust for Scotland.

Staff from the Heritage centre wanted  to ensure that the heritage site is inclusive towards its visitors.
Learning about Makaton and how people use it seemed like
a perfect way to develop our approach towards welcoming visitors. Some of the staff have attended Makaton beginners workshops to help support this initiative and support young people with communication difficulties.

Staff are currently working on developing singing and
signing sessions and storytelling using Makaton.
Click here for a short video

Autism awareness days have also been introduced and more are planned for the future. Check out the site for more information.

Disability Access Karting

One of our parents visited the new facilty at Hillington – Karting with a Conscience at the weekend.

This facilty provides Go- Karting experiences that will suit all age groups and abilities! See previous post for more information

Thanks to Tunde Cockshot for the review of the Go karting Experience which might be useful for other families who are looking for special outings with their family.

Read the review