Tag Archives: halloween

Spooky Halloween Event

Spooky season is upon us and, in the best of Scottish traditions, it’s time to come together to tell spine-tingling tall tales, sing spooky songs, and share our best nerve-jangling jokes.

This is a great opportunity for children, young people and their families in Scotland to join in with a free online event on Saturday 30th October from 1-3pm. It’s especially for children and young people who use communication technology, and will feature storytelling, singing and jokes, with plenty of opportunity for everyone to join in with communication aids and symbols.

Who is hosting the event?

It is being hosted by Augmentative Communication in Practice (ACIP:S), the organisation that brings together the various communication aid and assistive technology services in Scotland (CALL Scotland , FAACT, KEYCOMM, SCTCI and others) and  takes place during AAC Awareness Month, which happens in October each year.


Halloween Party

Our Halloween parties this year will be classed based and will take place on Friday 30th October.

Please come dressed in your favourite costume or as your favourite character. Or if you like, it can be dress as you please. 

Halloween Disco

What a great afternoon at our Halloween spooktacular disco.

Some amazing and creative costumes, well done to everyone who took part.

  • Congratulations to our Halloween winners :-
  • Evan and Alex
  • Rachel and Evie
  • Rachel, Chloe and April
  • Zach and Matthew
  • Jason and Daniel
  • Romi and Jamie

Have  a look at the photos below.



Go Green for Halloween Disco

Thank You to Miss Philo and class Islay for organising our “Go Green for Halloween Disco” this afternoon.

We started off with the primary disco and then the senior pupils took to the dance floor, great fun had by everyone.

Prizes were awarded to the best fancy dress and we had some really good ideas this year.

Mr Holmes as usual entertained everyone with his dance moves.

Mrs Clark was even escorted out of the disco for her “bad” dance moves………..


Go Green for Halloween

Pupils and staff dressed up in green today for “Go Green for Halloween” to support NSPCC charity.

We had some activities organised by class Islay to raise money for NSPCC. The sensory challenge box was a particular favourite and the chocolate dipped popcorn and apples went down a treat.
Brogan helped out at the creative corner and encouraged her friends to create a Halloween picture.