Tag Archives: Glee

Glee and Wee Glee Club

Glee – What’s it all about?

Glee is an inclusive Saturday morning club for young people aged 10-18 in East Renfrewshire from 10.00-12.30.

When does it run?

It will run most Saturdays from 26th August to 31 March 2018 and a show of the talents of our kids on 4th March at Eastwood Theatre.

Click here for more information.

Wee Glee

SupERkids – run for our children by their parents – are pleased to invite you to the Wee Glee Club.  This has been funded by Better Breaks and is for our young kids to come on Monday evenings for some fun, dance and music!

Wee Glee is aimed at kids of primary school age – around 10 years old and under and will be a mixture of a social, music and dance group. All children are welcome irrespective of their level of communication skills and will have fun activities every session.

Click here for more information.

Email – Superkids2011@icloud.com
