Tag Archives: Christmas fair

Giving Table at the Christmas Fair

Thank you to everyone for all their support.

On behalf of Women’s Aid South Lanarkshire and East Renfrewshire. I would like to thank you and everyone who donated for your very generous donation of Women’s Christmas gifts.

Click on the link to see a Thank You letter.

This year at the Christmas Fair, we are creating a Giving Table to support Woman’s Aid.

Please see the image if you have any donations.

Thank you for your support.

Tombola Donations

Classes Yell, Fetlar and  Yell are looking for tombola donations for the christmas fair.

Suggested items include chocolates, bottles and any unwanted gifts.

Thank you for your help supporting the school.  Please send any donations into the school offce.

Christmas fair

Come join us on Thursday 7th December, 6:00pm for our Christmas Fair.

There will be crafts made by pupils and some independent crafters are joining us to share their wonderful crafts.

We will also have carols from the Community Unity Choir.

We look forward to seeing you and you will have the opportunity to buy some Christmas gifts.

Christmas Fair

Thank You to everyone who came to support the Christmas Fair last night, it was a great success and lovely to see all our families and friends supporting  the school to raise some valued funds.

The singing from the Community Unity choir was outstanding.

We have some unclaimed raffle prizes from the Christmas Fair last night. Please contact the school office if you have a prize to claim.

White ticket numbers 441 – 445
White 986 – 990 Jackie Tau

Christmas Fair

It’s the Isobel Mair School Christmas Fair tonight from 6:30 -8pm.

Come along and join us and buy some of the amazing crafts made by the pupils. We will also have some local businesses who be at the fair selling some of their crafts.

The Community Unity choir will also be entertaining us with some Christmas carols.

Come along and support the school and Parent Council and help us to beat last years target.christmas-fair


Donations for Christmas Fair

pcWe are looking for donations from Parents/Carers/Friends/Family to sell on the day to raise funds for the school.

Please send in the following items to help support the
Parent Council:
BOTTLES or GIFTS for the Tombola Stall and Raffle
(These can be any food or drink bottles – alcoholic/non-alcoholic,
or any unwanted gifts or donations in good condition)

w/c 28 November HOMEBAKING (up to  morning of (1st December)

Last year we raised over £2000 much needed funds for the
school- LET’S BEAT THAT!
It is a really important fund raiser for the school so we need your support to donate, come along , buy raffle tickets and make
it a success.
Many Thanks. (IMS School & Parent Council).

Christmas Fair

christmas-fairPlease join us on Thursday 1st December 6:30 – 8:00pm for the school and Parent Council Christmas Fair.

Come join us for some festive singing from the Community Unity Choir ( Isobel Mair, Crookfur and St Cadoc’s primary schools) and the opportunity to buy some home made crafts and baking.

We will also have some stalls from local craft artists as well as our usual tombola and Christmas hamper raffle.

Hope to see you all on Thursday 1st December for a festive evening and help support the Parent Council to raise funds for the school and Family Centre.

Christmas Fair

Thank you to everyone who came and supported our Christmas Fair last night.

A great night was had by all we are delighted to say that we raised the magnificent sum of £2333.62
Thank You to everyone for their support and a huge thank you to the  Community Unity choirs from St Cadoc’s and Crookfur Schools.
Congratulations to Mrs Reid ( Frasers mum) who won the “Winner of Football team Draw:  Number 42 Udinese Calcio.
Thanks you

Christmas Fair

christmas fairIt’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…………..

The Mod is beginning to look very festive as the stalls are starting to be set up.

Come join us tonight from 6.00 – 8.00pm for a festive evening of carol singing, bouncy castle, tombola, craft stalls and much more.

All proceeds to Isobel Mair School and Family Centre and  the Parent Council.

Many thanks for your continued support.

Christmas Fair

Countdown to Christmas Fair

We are on the countdown to Isobel Mair School and Family Centre and IMS Parent Council  Christmas Fayre  on
Tuesday 1st December from 6.00-8.00pm.

Come along and support the school and buy some creative
crafts that the pupils have been busy  making. We will also have some other craft stalls available to buy some Christmas gifts.

All welcome

parent council christmas flyer

Christmas Fair Donations

Ready, steady, bake!


IMS and Parent Council are looking for any donations of
home baking for our Christmas Fayre  on
Tuesday  1st December.

Home baking will be used in the tearoom and you can buy
some delicious cakes at the stalls.

Donations should be handed in to the school on
Monday 30th November or Tuesday 1st December.

Thank You for your continued support.


Christmas Evening at Isobel Mair

Thank You to everyone who came to our Christmas evening last night.

It was a busy and full evening with face painting, nail colouring, tombola and raffles.

We were entertained by pupils from Isobel Mair, St Cadoc’s and Crookfur schools who make up the Community Unity Choir.

Thank you to all the pupils in the choir, the singing was amazing. Click here to listen to the Community Unity Choir.

We are delighted with the total amount raised for school funds, £1064.80p. Thank You to everyone who helped make tthis event a huge success.