Tag Archives: Achievements

Super Achievement

Walk and Explore

What a great achievement from one of the girls in class Arran who independently walked all the way from Class Arran and  down to the Family Centre and back.

This is a great achievement for her and all the staff in class Arran are super proud.

Mrs Clark posted a  great achievement card home to her parents informing them of her  wonderful achievement.

Bronze Award

Congratulations to Sara, Alex, Sophie, Amy and Stuart who all received their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award at the weekend.

This was the 2nd overnight camping stay that they took part in and also managed to 2 field walks. They had to cook their meals al fresco and coped remarkably well with the millions of midges…….. some more attracted than others!

Many thanks to our buddies and the DofE staff, Amy and Jim who supported our young people with the many challenges  over the weekend.

Well done to our LochG Explorers we are all so proud of you.



Outstanding Achievement Award

 Outstanding Achievement Awards

Congratulations to Amy Clark who received an  award last night at  the Convener’s Awards for Outstanding Achievement  in Carmichael Halls.

These awards are to highlight individuals and groups of pupils who have worked so hard throughout the year in sports leadership, volunteering, caring, creativity, advocacy and community safety .

Amy prepared a PowerPoint presentation to highlight her ambition and determination to participate in the Rhythmic Gymnastics at the Special Olympics.

Well done Amy.