Early Closure

Christmas Holidays

Christmas Holidays

A reminder to all parents, school will close at 2:30 on Friday for the Christmas holidays. 

No extended school day will be available.

Pupils who are picked up by parents at school should be picked up prior to 2:30pm

A Little Bird Told Me……..

Thank you to everyone who came to our Christmas performance this morning of  “A Little Bird Told Me”, the children were truly amazing .

The staff and children have been working hard over the last few weeks, rehearsing and making costumes…….. and it all worked out in the end!

We were delighted to welcome a very special visitor for a starring role in the performance and Squire behaved impeccably. Have a look at the photographs to find out who our special visitor was.
Click here

Please read the comments below from one of our parents who attend this mornings performance.

“Clayton’s play was the most surreal thing I have ever watched. 
Some children had their taking aids on that played over the speakers & screen some singing was pre-recorded and watched over the large screen with the script on powerpoint slides.
Each child was there with their support teachers all in costumes, the children in wheel chairs had huge cardboard painted camels attached to the front, there was a choir with sign language and children with instruments joining in. Birds flying (That was Clayton), Sheep baaaaaing, Shepherds, angels, Kings and a real donkey!! 
Amazing and at the same time I sobbed through it all. Each child was included to the very best of their ability, supported by these amazing teachers all with SMILES on their faces. 

A little bird told me…….

Christmas Story

Pupils from Loch Ness and Loch Awe and class Orkney are perfoming their Christmas story this morning, “A Little Bird Told Me”

They have invited their parents and some invited guests for the premier and then it will be performed again for the rest of school.

We even have a very special guest who has a starring role in our story………… photgraphs to follow.

Christmas Jumper Day

 Make the world better with a sweater………..  Friday 13th December.


We are supporting Save the Children’s  Christmas Jumper Day, this is a brilliant opportunity for us to have some end-of-term festive fun while raising money to help children in the poorest parts of the world.

We ask that pupils come to school in a festive top and pay £1 which will then be donated to Save the Children.

Christmas Fair

Thank you to everyone who came out last night in such awful weather to support the school and Family Centre’s Christmas Fair.

It was a magnificent evening, everyone coming together to celebrate the achievements of the pupils………….. from the crafts and sensory materials that were made, to the pupils singing in the Community Unity Choir.

We were delighted to have 2 special guests who came to switch on our Christmas tree lights. “The Wee Man” and Jonathon Sutherland from BBC Scotland entertained us with a rendition of Jingle bells, eagerly helped by one of our pupils Stuart, who stole the show and entertained us with his very own beat bop version.
Everyone braved the cold weather and went outside for the switch on, and thankfully the tree had stayed up long enough for the lights to be switched on by Jonathon and “The Wee Man”. It looked magnificent………

We are delighted to inform you that the total amount raised was £1823.13. 

Thank you to everone who supported our Christmas Fair.

Listen to our Community Unity Choir sing.




Christmas Fair

  Important News

We plan to continue to have our Christmas Fair this evening minus our Christmas tree which has been blown over! 

However due to high winds we will make an informed decision at lunchtime as to whether it’s cancelled or continuing.

Please check later for more information.

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