Category Archives: Uncategorized

ASN Friendly Dentist

Do you that there are 3 ASN friendly dentists in East Renfrewshire to help support our young people with additional support needs.

They have projectors on the ceiling, sensory lights etc… and there are talking social story books about the specific dentist the child will be visiting.

Contact the school office for more details of the dental practices.

Parent/Carer Group

Reminder about the forthcoming parent/carer group of children with additional support needs

Dear Parent/Carer

 Group for parents and carers of children with additional needs

 We are running a group work programme for parents and carers of children & young people who have additional support needs.  The focus of the group will be varied and we plan to cover issues such as grief and loss reactions to disability, handling behaviour strategies, person centred planning, building self esteem, recognising gifts and capacities and benefit entitlement.  

 The group will be run by three social workers from the Integrated Schools Team, Roberta Margison, Lynn Devine and Lucy Rutherford.  The aim of the group is to inform and empower parents and carers for the benefit of themselves and the children they look after. There will be short talks from a Welfare Rights Officer, Educational Psychologist, Enable and East Renfrewshire Carers Centre to help people make the most of services offered in their local communities.

 The groups will run over six concurrent weeks, a day group starting on Monday 28th October 2013 between 10 and 12:30am and an evening group starting on Thursday 24th of October 2013 between 6 and 8:30pm. The venue for the groups will be Williamwood School, Eaglesham Road,Clarkston, G67 8RF.  Refreshments will be provided.

 If you wish to attend the group please reply to me by 21st of October 2013 by phone 0141 5772034 or email Confirmation of a place will follow on receipt of your reply.

Eco Week – Stone Soup

Stone Soup

As part of Eco week Class Orkney along with Class Unst planned an event to bring everyone together in celebrating the outdoors.

Using the wonderful outdoor space at IMS, and sme of the Forest School resources, the two classes worked together to create an eco-experience for the whole school.

The activity was based on the story of “Stone Soup”, where a group of hungry soldiers teach a village full of people a valuable lesson in sharing and kindness.

Read more about the event below.

MacMillan Cancer Coffee Morning

Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to the recent MacMillan Coffe Morning, organised by the staff and pupils of Loch Ness.

A great morning was had by all and the delicious home baking went down a treat.

At the end of the coffee morning the staff and pupils gave everyone a demonstration of Reels on Wheels.

We are delighted to let you know that the magnificent amount of £350 was raised on thday and now a cheque for that amount is on it’s way to MacMillan Cancer Care.

Harvest Service

Please join us for our Harvest Service at Newton Mearns Baptist Church on Thursday 3rd October at 10:30am.

Please remember to send in any donations to school with your child.

This year all Harvest donations will be given to East Renfrewshire’s Food Bank. 

All welcome.

NDCS Listening Bus

Jump onboard the listening bus

Keep the date free and jump onboard the listening bus…………

The NDCS Listening Bus travels the UK bringing technology, NDCS information and services to deaf children, their families and the professionals working with them.

The Listening Bus  will be visiting IMS on
Date: Wednesday 28 August 2013
Time:10am – 3.00pm

Early Closure

Summer Early Closure

Reminder of early closure on Wednesday 26 June at 1pm. There will be no extended school.
We would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very happy holiday and thank you for your continued support throughout the school year.
Happy Holidays………..

Community Unity………. “Harmony”

Harmony by Community Unity

What an amazing performance from the pupils involved in the drama performance of “Harmony”

This drama performance incorporated pupils from St Cadoc’s, Crookfur and Isobel Mair school who come together on a regular basis as part of their Community Unity Partnership.

Last nights performance was produced and directed by Pace Theatre school who worked with the three schools and then they all came together for 2 full day rehearsals culminating in last nights amazing performance.

Please read below the comments sent in today from one of our parents Mr Tunde Cockshott………

“Tonight was fantastic. It was a great pleasure in so many ways. The show, the way the children performed, the concept and the Inclusion. Of course Ruby was the star, but everyone played their part.
It’s so inspiring to see the school, the community working together on projects like this. It demonstrated true, deep inclusion, able bodied, special needs, religion.
As I walked Ruby out of the hall where the children had gathered, she was like a presedential candidate, glad handling everyone, every child and adult she passed. Greeting them all and smiling, and they were smiling back. They all seemed to know her by name. This is true inclusion and a benefit to all those involved.

A great evening.
Please send my thanks to everyone involved”.

Harmony Drama Performance

Drama performance of “Harmony” with Pace Theatre Group and Community Unity schools, St Cadoc’s  and Crookfur Primaries this evening at 7pm in Newton Mearns Baptist Church.
Please note: could parents of pupils involved please ensure that black trousers are worn for this evenings performance.

Suggestions and Ideas for Parents

Looking for ideas?

Are you always looking for ideas for places to go with your young person at weekends and during the holidays?

We have created a page for Parents and Carers with links to ideas and suggestions for our young people.

If you have any suggestions of places to go, parks or clubs that you attend, could you possibly let us know so that we can populate the page and share with other families who might be struggling with ideas.

This information can be given via the school diary or contact the school office.

Thank You

World Book Day

Thank You to everyone involved who helped make our World Book Day a huge success.

Every class embraced this celebration with a host of activities taking place throughout the day.

We had an outdoor activity, “Going on a Bear Hunt”, Storyteller, Puppet show from Class Orkney, Treasure Island Sensory experience form Class Arran, a visit to the Library and pupils interviewing other pupils about their favourite books amongst others………. a very busy day indeed!

Our day was complete with many of the staff and pupils dressing up as their favourite characters to raise money for book aid international.
Some of the costumes were very innovative……… we had Granny Island from Katy Morag, Ladybirds from “The Ladybird who heard and saw”, butterfly, Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, and Cinderella amongst others.  

For every £2 Isobel Mair school raises, Book Aid International can send one more book to Africa

Everyone had a fun and educational World Book Day.



Diary Dates

Diary Dates

We have lots of events coming up during the month of March so keep a look out for whats happening in IMS.

Thursday 7th March Coffee and Chat
Friday 8th March World Book Day
Friday 15th March Red Nose Day
Thursday 21st March Zumbathon and Café
Monday 18th – Friday 22nd March Science Week @ IMS
Monday 25th March Science Finale Event
Wednesday 27th March Easter Service 10:30am @ NMBC
Thursday 28th March Easter Egg Hunt
Friday 29th March School Closed, Good Friday
Monday 15th April School reopens
Monday 15th – Friday 19th March Outdoor Learning Week

Useful links for parents

Contact a Family is the only national charity that exists to support the families of disabled children whatever their condition or disability. With over 30 years of experience, our vision is that families with disabled children are empowered to live the lives they want and achieve their full potential, for themselves, for the communities they live in, and for society. It’s why we offer support, information and advice to over 340,000 families each year and campaign for families to receive a better deal.

Click on the following link for more information about this charity and the help they can provide to parents nd carers.

“Something Special” with Justin and Isobel Mair School

“Something Special ” with Justin was recently filmed at Isobel Mair School.

A reminder to watch some of our pupils performing with Justin from “Something Special” series on CBeebies.

The premiere of the episode will be shown on Friday 14th December at 9.45am and then repeated again in the afternoon at 1.50pm where we will see some of our stars in action.

You can watch it on BBC2 and  CBeebies website

Religious Leaders of Scotland visit IMS

We welcomed Religious Leaders of Scotland for a tour of the school and to meet some of the pupils before a National GLOW event hosted by pupils from Isobel Mair, Williamwood, St Ninians and Eastwood High Schools.

Our school’s  junior choir including pupils from the Family Centre performed “Grow” for our visitors and then our Reels on Wheels, wheelchair dance group performed two dances for them.

The GLOW event, the impact of religion and spirituality on Health and Wellbeing promoted a lively debate amongst our pupils and religious leaders and our pupils were delighted to be given the opportunity to have their questions answered.

Our junior choir sing for our visitors.