Category Archives: – Pupils

Healthy Lives @ IMS

A very productive evening at the Healthy Lives@IMS After School club.

Thank you to Kirsteen and Karen from Facilities Management and Gordon our Active Schools Coordinator for organising all the activities.

They made pizzas, fruit kebabs and  had a taster session of  Archery and Boccia, all great fun!




Daffodil Tea

Thank you to everyone who came to support the Daffodil Tea organised by the staff and pupils from Loch Lomond Pod.

We are delighted to let you know that the magnificent sum of £331 has been raised.

Many thanks for all your support and donations.

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Gardening Awards

Congratulations to ISS@IMS pupils who have achieved their Level 1 & Level 2 RHS (Royal Horticultural Society) School Gardening Awards. The group are also being considered for Team Gardening group of the Year.

Well done everyone.

Daffodil Tea

All set up for the Daffodil Tea this morning in aid of  Marie Curie. It will be a Blooming Great Tea  Party!

We hope you can join us for some delicious home baking by the staff and pupils, it really was a piece of cake!

Entry is by donation and all money raised will be sent to Marie Curie





Google Explorer Expedition

Oh the excitement of the Google Expedition class this afternoon, pupils had an amazing time at Crookfur primary.

Classes Tiree, Harris, Lewis & Islay couldn’t wait to be explorers.

They were amazed at what they could see and  some said it was “awesome” “amazing” “cool” “oh my god”  to name but a few phrases.

We look forward to being explorers in the future and learning through this amazing digital technology.

Thank You

Many thanks to Rob and the Kenwell family for their very generous donation of over £1700 to the school.

Rob recently celebrated his 18th birthday with a fantastic party. His family asked for donations in lieu of gifts and the money to be donated to the school.

Watch this space for what the money will be used for…….

A huge thank you from everyone at IMS.

Digital Storytelling

Class Staffa enjoyed a trip to the People’s Palace and Winter garden this afternoon. 

They were looking for a suitable “jungle” location to film their Madagascar film with Class Jura as part of our Mela Film Festival.  

They think the Winter Gardens will be just perfect!







Jammie Day Assembly

Thank you to everyone who supported Amy, S5 by paying £1 and wearing jammies to school.

We had some very colourful jammies on show…..

Amy would like to say a huge thank you to everyone for taking part and help her with her fundraising quest to allow her to attend the Special Olympics GB National Games in Sheffield this summer.



Thank You

We have raised just over £800 for Red Nose Day.

Senior pupils have still to complete a sponsored walk and the total will be updated with sponsorship money.

Thank you to everyone for all their kind donations for the baking stall and all the money for the sensory activities, pie the management etc.

A huge thank you to the senior pupils and staff for all their hard work in organising this years event, I’m sure you will agree it was a huge success.

Red Nose Day

Senior pupils have been busy making cakes for the Red Nose Day cake sale tomorrow.

Remember to bring money to buy some of the delicious home baking to raise funds for a very worthy cause.

Thank you to Marc’s aunt who very kindly made and donated this delicious Red Nose Day cake to be raffled. Tickets available from the school office at £1 per strip.

Thank you to all the staff and parents for their cake donations to be sold by the senior pupils as part of the Red Nose Day activities.


Red Nose Day



Image result for red nose day 2017

Students from classes Unst and Fetlar came to IMS on Tuesday to sell Red Noses as part of their fundraising enterprise for Red Nose Day.

They will be back selling the noses on Friday if you would like to buy one.

Watch their short video telling everyone how many red noses they have sold so far.