Category Archives: – Pupils

Room on the Broom

Room on the Broom 

Well done to classes Orkney and Staffa who have just performed their drama performance of Room on the Broom to some of the children from the Family Centre and pupils from Class Iona. This was their second performance as the first performance took place in our outdoor atrium as part of our outdoor learning week.

A great performance from all the children involved with lots of new skills being acquired, especially performing infront of an audience.
Pupils from Class Staffa were the characters from the story and the pupils from Class Orkney were magnificent with the voice overs and special effects.

A short video was made of the performance and you can see some of the photgraphs below.





Halloween Fun

Halloween Fun @ IMS

Thank you to all the pupils and staf at ISS@IMS for organising a fantastic halloween party, dancing and party games.

Everyone had great fun, including the afternoon children from the Family Centre.

We had some great costumes this year, have a look at some of the photgraphs below.




Halloween Party

Halloween Fun at IMS

The thursday ISS@IMS group have been busy organising a halloween party for all the pupils in Isobel Mair School.

They have sent out invites to all the classes and put up posters around the school to advertise it. There will be games, dancing, party food and our annual fancy dress parade.

The party will take place on Thursday 31st October, 1:30 -2:30pm

Fancy dress is optional.
Who can guess what Mrs Wallce will be this year…………………

Eco Challenge

Secret Eco Challenge

What a busy week all the classes have had working on their secret challenge linked to Eco Week.

Each class worked on differentiated activivities to create their fiction/non fiction book.

We had a show and tell during  assembly so that everyone could have a look at the books that had been created and then each class described their book to rest of the school and children from the Family Centre. Two of our pupils, Gemma and Dylan explained all about the book they made in their class.

All classes  embraced the Eco topic challenge and incorporated it into CfE. Some of the classes created Clicker strories about recycling, Classes Arran  and Sanda created sensory stories and some classes created 3d models using junk.

Have a look at some of the amazing photgraphs below.


A magical experience through the senses

Some of our pupils had a wondeful sensory experience yesterday.

We were delighted to welcome Scottish Opera and their exciting SensoryO performance to the pupils.

Set in a magical, night-time world where anything is possible, SensoryO took the pupils  on a train ride through the jungle to meet a friendly lion who sleeps under the stars. Rich in sound, rhythm and music, the show introduced everyone to a live performance in a fun, engaging environment.

The set is inviting and tactile and the show features a mix of live and recorded vocals and exciting percussive sounds to inspire the imagination and bring the adventure to life.

Have a look at some of our photographs below that highlights how engaging our pupils were during the sensory performance.

Secret Challenge

What is the Secret Challenge?

This week all classes have been involved in a secret challenge set by Mrs Wallace and the Senior Management Team.

The challenge involves all classes writing a short fiction or non fiction book as part of our Green Flag Eco Activities and feature topics such as litter, school grounds or waste minimisation.

Mrs Wallace also informed the classes that prizes will be awarded for the best book.

Watch this space for updates on the books created by the pupils.

The Mair the Merrier Cafe – “Grand Opening”

“Grand Opening”

Classes Tiree and Whalsay have been working really hard on their enterprise/business topic.

They decided to open a cafe called “The Mair the Merrier”. The Grand Opening takes place tomorrow, Tuesday 8th October at 11.30.

Over the last few weeks they have worked on various skills and learning experiences linked to CfE as the cafe developed……….

  • Creating a name
  • Designing a logo
  • Creating a flyer/poster to advertise the event
  • Brainstorm the skills required for particular jobs
  • Interview for jobs
  • Guest list
  • Menu planning
  • Pricing
  • Shopping list
  • Cooking
  • The event

Both classes decided that for the grand opening they would invite parents from classes Tiree, Whalsay and school staff.  Pupils are all set for the big event and are enthusiastically looking forward to putting all these skills into the big event tomorrow.

Good Luck Everyone.

mAIRwavesFM have posted a new recording

This week on mAIRwavesFM  class Whalsay and Tiree discuss their recent findings all about safety in the kitchen.

Musa was our guest presenter and introcued this weeks topic.

The class had an interactive lesson using the SMARTBoard, where they had to find dangers in the kitchen, then identify them and state why they would be a danger.

Their learning intentions and success criteria can be found below

Learning Intentions:

1. To understand the dangers when working in the kitchen

2. To identify who can help us when we are working in the kitchen

 Success Criteria:

1. I can state 2 possible dangers when working in the kitchen

2. I can state the name of 1 or 2 people who can help me in the kitchen

Listen here to see if they have met their success criteria.

Disablity Gymnastics Open Day

Disablity Gymnastics Open Day

Monday 14th October 1:00 – 3:00pm

On Monday 14th October an open session will be held for people with additional support needs who wish to take part in gymnastics.

The session will be led by expert disability coaches from City of Glasgow Gymnastics Club and Irvine Bay Gymnastics club and the participants will train with national squad gymnasts.

To find out more information or to register for the event please contact 01294276834 or email

Family Fun Day

Halloween Party

Visiblity are running a free Family Fun Day with lots of activities for children with a visual impairment and their family to enjoy on Saturday 26th October 9.15 – 1pm.

The event takes place in Irvine and more details can be obtained by calling  Visibilty on 0141 332 4632.

Children are welcome to bring along siblings or friends and take part in the Fancy Dress Competition.

Adavance booking is essential and bookings must be made no later than 18th October.

mAIRwavesFM have posted a new recording

The Mair the Merrier Cafe

Listen to classes Whalsay and Tiree as they discuss what jobs they are going to undertake as part of their enterprise activity. After a collaborative discussion they decided to start up an enterprise business and create a cafe.
Lots of skills have been involved,
making learning active, challenging and enjoyable for the pupils.

Listen to this weeks recording with Mr Whyte.

Thanks to Sarah who introduced this weeks mAIRwvavesFM.



Thank You Waitrose

Thank You

Thank You to everyone who donated to the charity coins in Waitrose.

Today some of our pupils went to Waitrose to recieve the cheque. We were delighted to find out the generous amount was £433.

Many thanks to everyone who contributed,  the money will be used to buy some new equipment for the pupils.

Here is our school captain receiving the cheque from a member of Waitrose staff.

Jeans for Genes Day 2013

Wear Jeans Change Lives

The Word on the Street is Wear Jeans on Friday 20th September and help support a great cause to help change lives.

At Isobel Mair School we are joining the Family Centre to celebrate this great cause and ask  every pupil and staff member to make a donation and pay £1 to wear jeans for the day.

Pupils will be involved in class activities throughout the day to help raise awareness and how to support this event.

Shoe Box Appeal 2013

Fill a box and support the Show Box Appeal

The 2013 Shoe Box Appeal is well underway and Isobel Mair School are helping to support this. 

You can help us  by supporting your child/young person to fill a box with specific items. We are collecting boxes which will help support boys and girls.

This year boxes will be sent to Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Kosovo, Moldova, Pakistan, Romania, Serbia and Ukraine and  help to bring some joy and laughter to young people at Christmas.

Click here for more details of the Shoebox appeal