Category Archives: – Pupils

Early Closure

Christmas Holidays

Christmas Holidays

A reminder to all parents, school will close at 2:30 on Friday for the Christmas holidays. 

No extended school day will be available.

Pupils who are picked up by parents at school should be picked up prior to 2:30pm

Working Together

Community Unity Kilt Walk & Ceilidh

Congratulations to all out tartan clad pupils, who took part in the “Community Unity Kilt Walk” this morning.

The morning started off with IMS welcoming Crookfur Primary pupils and then they were entertained by Reels on Wheels who performed 2 dances for everyone. We then had the official passing of the baton before heading into Teenscene for some shortbread and juice.

Afterwards our enthusiastic and excited pupils walked to Crookfur Primary carrying the Community Unity banner and baton. They were then entertained by the pupils from Crookfur school. The day finished off with a fantastic ceilidh at Eastwood High school. A great event, promoting community unity and working partnerships.

Thank you to everyone involved in this fantastic event and we look forward to what will be our “Annual Kilt Walk”.

Community Unity Kilt Walk

“Kilt Walk”

Look out for pupils taking part in the Community Unity Kilt Walk tomorrow morning alongside pupils form St Cadoc’s and Crookfur primary schools.

Pupils should wear school uniform with either a kilt or something tartan. However they should still be dressed appropriately for our scottish weather.

Click here for more details about the Kilt Walk .


Congratulations to Gemma Harley, S1 pupil whose Christmas card design has been selected as the Education Departments Christmas Card to be send out to all local councillors, head teachers,external agencies and companies.

Gemma is extremely proud of her creation and is delighted to have it printed out and used as the Christmas Card.

Cross Country

Congratulations to some of our senior pupils who took  part in the Cross Country event at Bellahouston today.

We had 17 athletes from classes Whalsay, Orkney, Shetland and Yell taking part.

Most of the students completed the 1km course, it was quite a tricky and slippy course so most returned to school covered in mud! 

Congratulations to Cassie who competed in the 2k race and came in first out of the girls, great running!

Well done to everyone who took part in tricky conditions.

Book Week Scotland

Let’s celebrate by reading!

This week is Book Week Scotland, taking place Between Monday 25th November and Sunday 1st December.

Book Week Scotland is a vibrant week long celebration of all things reading. Use the links below to find out more information about what’s happening in  East Renfrewshire.
What’s happeing in ERC
BookTrust Scotland

At Isobel Mair School every class has been set a challenge to choose a Scottish book or poem to look at and this week and they are all busy creating a book covering for their class door, which will be judged by our Sensory Support Service.
The winner will be  announced at our St Andrew’s Day assembly on Friday.
Watch out for some exciting photographs coming up.

We are also celebrating Scottish book Week by having daily storytime at 2pm in all the classes with stories told in Scot’s language.

Community Unity Kilt Walk

“Kilt Walk”


On Thursday 28th November pupils from Classes Tiree and Whalsay will be joining Primary 7 pupils from St Cadoc’s and Crookfur schools in a Sponsored Kilt Walk to raise money for our Community Unity Project.

Look out for our pupils as they walk to the associated schools and give them some encouragement. Isobel Mair pupils will be walking to St Cadoc’s Primary.  
Along the route they will pass the “Community Unity” Baton between schools.

Crookfur pupils will be treated to a performance from Reels and Wheels when they arrive at IMS and will be served some juice and biscuits.

Pupils should wear school uniform with either a kilt or something tartan. However they should still be dressed appropriately for our scottish weather.

Click here for more details about the Kilt Walk .

Shoebox Appeal

Thank you

Class Iona presented at this weeks assembly. They have been organising the “ShoeBox” Appeal. A slideshow of photographs was shown to the primary department to highlight the work they have undertaken. One of the highlights of the assembly was Leah singing our school song, a great achievement for her.

They appealed for all the pupils to contribute items to support the shoebox appeal, i.e toothpaste, soap, brushes, pens etc. They were overwhelmed with donations and with the help from the parents of Class Iona we were able to make up and send 65 boxes to the appeal.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Christmas Shoe Box Appeal, with your contributions we also raised £100 to contribute towards the postage of the Christmas boxes.

Have a look at some of our photographs below showing class Iona collecting, packing and delivering the shoeboxes to Blythswood Care who will in turn post them off to deserving children and adults.




50 things to do outdoors……….

Outdoor Learning

This morning we were delighted to welcome Mrs Mhairi Shaw, our new Director of Education to the school for the official launch our new project,  50 Things to do outdoors before you leave Isobel Mair School.

This project was developed by the Eco Commitee as part of our Outdoor Learning.

Every pupil will be given a booklet to work through with specific outdoor learning tasks and when they leave school, this will be part of their record of achievement.

Before the official launch of the project, Mrs Shaw was delighted to watch an outdoor learning performance of “Room on a Broom”. Pupils from Class Staffa were the characters from the story and the pupils from Class Orkney were magnificent with the voice overs and special effects.

Have a look at some of the photgraphs below.

50 Things

Members of our Eco Committee