Category Archives: – Pupils

Lochgoilhead 15

Thank you to everyone who took part in the Lochgoilhead 15 weekend.

We left the school in glorious sunshine and friendships began on the bus…….. and continued all weekend even in the rain.

We would like to thank everyone for supporting the weekend and making it such a success.

Our reunion will take place in September and a slideshow and DVD will be shown.

Have a look at our photographs below to highlight some of the amazing experiences the pupils had over the weekend.



Bugsy Malone

stargaze Bugsy

Our Stargaze Drama group which takes place on Tuesday’s after school have been working hard on their new performance “Bugsy Malone”.

The performance premiers on Thursday evening, 18th June at Queen Margaret Union Theatre.

Please come and support our pupils who attend our “Stargaze Drama” group. They have all been working so hard, practising their lines and singing the songs.  Now they can’t wait to perform the show infront of a live audience.

Tickets are still on sale or you can buy a ticket on the night.

Queen Margaret Union
22 University Gardens
G12 8QN



Preparations are under way for the annual GROW COOK EAT Showcase………..

Senior students are busy in the kitchen preparing a 2 course lunch for parents and invited guests.

Students will be presented with a certificates for participating  in the year long skills for life programme and a slideshow will be shown highlighting their progress over the year.

Many thanks to all the staff at West Scotland College – Hospitality and Rouken Glen Training Centre for supporting our young people in this journey.

Well done everyone.

SDS Athletics

Congratulations to all our young athletes who took part in the SDS Athlectics championships at Grangemouth yesterday.

We had a great day and the weather was in our favour, sun shining for most of the day…..

We celebrated with 31 medals from all the event , so a huge congratulations to all our pupils who took part.

Have a look at some of our photographs from yesterdays achievements.




Football Friendly

Football Friday at IMS

This afternoon we welcomed pupils from Kersland School for a friendly footbal match.

The game began with the primary team and the enthusiasm to win was immense…………… great control of the ball from both teams.
The final score was 3 -1 to Isobel Mair thanks to 2 own goals from Daniel at Kersland School.

The senior teams began with a group huddle and team chant and then the game began………….|
The fighting spirit from both teams was evident to see as they moved quickly around the pitch, desperate to score a goal. IMS was quickly in the lead but then some great control from Kersland School made the score equal……… after a few tense minutes Kersland scored some great goals to put them in the lead…..
The final score was 11 -8 to Kersland.

Well done to everyone who took part in this 1st friendly game. Great team work, enthusiasm, sportsmanship and tactics from both teams.

Click here to watch a short video of the senior game.

Have a look at our photographs below.

Going bananas in Class Staffa

Class Staffa go bananas………

Class Staffa recently showcased their skills at the recent whole school assembly.

They had invited their parents/grandparents into school in the morning for a show and tell and they were delighted to perform “Going bananas” for them also.

At the assembly they performed a few action songs and danced infront of a live audience.

Click here to watch a short preview of their showcase assembly.

I have experienced the energy and excitement of presenting/performing for audiences and being part of an audience for other people’s presentations/performances.

EXA 0-01a / EXA 1-01a / EXA 2-01a

Superhero Day

Who is your Superhero?

We are supporting Superhero Day on Friday 15th May!

All Staff & pupils are encouraged to dress up as their favourite superhero or wear a onesie and pay £1 towards helping Cash for Kids charity event.

We will have lots of fun activities taking place throughout the day…..

  • Cake and Bake Sale
  • Create your own superhero (50p donation)
  • Face painting

Our Superhero day will end with a whole school assembly.



mAIRwaves FM have posted a new recording.

This was class Shetland’s first attempt at recording mAIRwaves and they were so excited.

They decided to share some information about their RME topic.

RME 1-02a

Having explored biblical and other Christian stories, I can show my developing understanding of key values of christianity and how they might be put into action in people’s lives.

Listen here

SQA Work

“Wee G”

Class Yell  as part of their SQA Scottish Studies “Talking part in a performance with a Scottish context” wrote a short drama story.

With the help of Miss Antelmi, the script was written and everyone was given a part to play. The performance was filmed as part of their evidence.

Class Shetland then joined them as part of their joint assembly and another short drama performance was written.
This allowed skills such as listening skills, team work, communication skills, creative writing, performing to an audience and self evaluation to be developed and allow them to become successful learners and confident young people.

Click here to watch “Wee G” and “Wee G’s Mobile Phone Adventure.



Open Morning

Class Staffa invited their parents into class for an open morning.

They watched the morning group and then the premier of their class assembly which they are going to perform to the whole school this afternoon.

It was a fun filled, interactive morning with the children sharing their skills and knowledge, empowering them to become successful learners and confident individuals.


Careers Fair

Careers Fair

Today we were delighted to have along members of our local community to talk to our pupils about jobs and careers in different companies and services.

The children were very excited to be able to ask our visitors all sorts of questions about life saving, driving motorcycles, working in Asda and looking after animals.

Our lower secondary pupils are looking forward to working with the representatives from Morgan Sindall in the upcoming months visiting their work site and seeing what’s happening with the old school site!

We would like to thank the careers advisors and the representatives from all of the companies who came today for donating their time for our secondary school children. We could not have done it without you!

Take a look at the photographs from the rich learning experience that took place this morning.




School Tour……….

Today we welcomed visitors from East Dunbartonshire Council who were visiting the school.

Our Head Boy, Michael and School Captain Jamie, led the tour and introduced them to all the classes and showed them specialist areas, such as the art room, sensory room, spa and outdoor atrium.

Well done to Michael and Jamie for all their hard work today and being great school ambassadors.