Category Archives: – Pupils

Official Head Girl Duties

Head Girl Duties

Our Head Girl, Sara &  some of the senior pupils attended a meeting at the Education offices this morning to discuss the recent Lochgoilhead trip.

We showed a short DVD highlighting the event and the pupils answered some questions about their experience.

Thank You to Ronan and Rachel from St Ninian’s High school who also attended the meeting.


PE in the MOD

Some of our senior pupils  worked hard during their PE session this morning.

Today the focus was ball skills, aiming and throwing and  the boys were delighted when they managed to score a few baskets.



Congratulations to Amy Clark who took part in the Special Olympic in Los Angeles during the summer break.

We are all so proud of Amy and her achievements as she participated in the Rhythmic Gymnastics representing Great Britain.

Amy showed everyone her medals at the whole school assembly today and explained what she had won.

Have a look the photographs below  to see how many medals Amy was awarded.

Well done Amy



Welcome Assembly

Welcome to Isobel Mair School

Today at our assembly we welcomed all our new P1 pupils and new members of staff to the school.

We also had the presentation of  our Head Boy/Girl, Captains and Prefect badges to our 6th pupils, who will represent the school with specific duties.

This year we are delighted to announce that Alex O’Donnell and Sara Clegg have  been voted in as our Head Boy and Head Girl.

We wish them  well with all their duties supporting and representing  Isobel Mair School this year.

We are also delighted that Anna from class Jura has volunteered to be our Makaton signer at the primary assemblies. Well done Anna.

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School Captain Monitors
Jamie Brownlie Fraser McMillan
Sophie Brough Bilal Ali
Prefects Sean McKenzie
Andrew Whitehill Christopher Clynes
Jonathan Adams ( Stargaze) Aden Haq
Natalie Gillespie

Our first day back

First Day

The sun was shining for our first day back and everyone had a settled day.

We  welcomed our new primary 1 pupils and they all had a great fun, exploring their new class and playing with their friends.

Our senior pupils from Yell and Unst at Woodfarm came down for a visit  and it was lovely to see them all in their new school blazers and ties.

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School Prom

Thank  you to everyone who came to our school prom last night and helped make it such a success.

Many thanks to Reece ( the wee pied piper) for piping in all our students.
To Sean Adams for for taking over as DJ, great tunes…….
Many thanks to all our 6th year buddies who came and had a great time and made the night such a success for the pupils.

Thank you to all the staff who helped with all the preparations and came along to support the event.

Have a look at our photographs to see how much fun we all had.

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Farewell to our 6th Year Leavers

Thank You for the memories………

Thank you to everyone who came to our Leavers Service this morning at Newton Mearns Baptist Church as we celebrate achievements and look back at the memories.

We all send our good wishes to Michael, Euan and Fraser as they prepare to move onto their new placements.



School Prom

School Prom 2015

Our school prom for senior pupils will take place on Tuesday 23rd June at 7pm.

Photographs will be taken and we will have our very own photo booth throughout the evening so you can strike a pose.

Remember your dancing shoes……

Leavers’ Service

Time to say farewell………

Come join us tomorrow, Tuesday 23rd June for our end of term service to say farewell to 3 of our 6th year pupils, Euan Murphy, Fraser Marchand and our Head Boy Michael Di Paola.

We will be celebrating their achievements and memories of their time at school.

We wish them well with their new placements.

Everyone welcome

Bugsy Malone


Stargaze Drama group are performing “Bugsy Malone” on Thursday evening, 18th June at Queen Margaret Union Theatre.

Please come and show your support to our pupils who have all been working so hard, practising their lines and singing the songs.  Now they can’t wait to perform the show infront of a live audience……….

Tickets are still on sale from school office or you can buy a ticket on the night, priced £3

Queen Margaret Union
22 University Gardens
G12 8QN