Category Archives: – Pupils

Children in Need

Be a hero for the day

Thank you to everyone for their contribution to Children In Need.

The pupils all enjoyed celebrating the event by dressing down or dressing up as a superhero and paying £1.

Have a look at some of the primary pupils who took part in today’s fun event.

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West of Scotland Swimming

Congratulations to the following pupils who after successful time trials have been selected for the West of Scotland Swimming Gala:-

Stuart Cherry – 25M Free
Sarah Packam – 25m Free, 25m Back
Hannah Murray – 25m Free
Pierce Queen – 25m Free
Joshua Arnott – 25m Free
Jamie Brownlie 25m Back
Rachel McCarron 25m Free, 25m Back

Friday Assembly

Thank you to classes Whalsay and Sanda for their bonfire safety assembly.

Some of the pupils made art work, some read out the safety code and they also made a short safety code video which they showed to everyone. This video can be shared with the classes every year to highlight the Bonfire Safety code.

Well done everyone.

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Bonfire Bake Off

Class Arran had great fun at their Bonfire bake off!

They invited classes from the primary and secondary department to take part.

Thanks to Cat McInness who shared some of her skills in cake decorating to our pupils.

I’m sure you will agree we have some very creative cakes.

Congratulations to all our winners.

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Halloween Disco

Everyone had great fun at the whole school assembly.

Congratulations to Olivia T who won first prize and Jason, Zack, Mr Holmes, Miss Gallacher, Bilal and Fay for winning the best fancy dress costumes.

Have a look at some of our photos.

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Halloween Spooky Assembly

Classes Iona and Islay organised the Halloween assembly for the primary classes this morning.

They  decided to make different stations for all the pupils to go to and explore some of the Halloween activities that they had set up.

They had spooky hands, photo booth, colouring, cake decorating, Halloween tray and many other activities, all great fun!

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Visit to old school site

Pupils from classes Orkney and Shetland  recently visited the site of the old school  with Morgan Sindall.
Our pupils are  working with the company, learning about how a building is constructed and will return in the new year to see the medical centre when it is almost finished.

Thank you also to Morgan Sindall who are presenting us with a flag pole for our Green Eco flag to go on.

Thank You


This afternoon we welcomed pupils from St Joseph’s and Busby primary schools to our whole school assembly.

They presented  a cheque to the school for £240.
The girls raised the money during the summer holidays by holding a tombola, cake stall, arts & crafts and lots of other activities.
They certainly put their holiday to good use.

As a token of our appreciation Mr Whyte presented the 3 sets of sisters with a special personalised plaque to keep and a thank you letter from the head teacher.

What a great achievement girls and everyone at Isobel Mair School say a great big  thank you to you all!