Category Archives: Parents

Donations for Fundraiser

Many thanks to local businesses who have donated to our fundraising event at Oran Mor, Friday 13th September.

We are still looking for a few more donations which will help support our event and raise funds for Isobel Mair School and  Isobel Mair Family Centre.

Donations can be sent to the school office.

Fundraising Event

If you are unable to come to our Fundraising night at Oran Mor, you can still buy raffle tickets for some of our amazing prizes, donated by local businesses. Check  out some of the prizes below.

Tickets can be obtained from the school office £1 per strip.

Many thanks for your continued support.

Check school bags this week for raffle information.

Clicker 7

Isobel Mair school has a site licence for Clicker 7 and this
allows parents to have access at home to use with
their child.



Clicker 7 webinar for IMS parents will take place on Monday 9th September.

Session1-10:30am and session 2 -1:30pm.

A text will be sent on Friday  with the log in details.
At the meeting time please just click this link
Link to follow by text

During the session you will be able to see my screen and hear me via the computer audio.

Prior to the meeting, might be useful to test your connection. Just to ensure that you can access everything and hear OK from the laptop/PC that you will be using.
You can do this at this link

If you are using a mobile device you might need to download the ZOOM meeting app

Sessions can take place at home or we can arrange for the webinar in the conference room. Please let the school office know if you are coming into school to access the webinar.

Clicker 7 is a literacy toolkit that we use with some of our pupils
in IMS. Parents can now have access to this software at
home to support their children.

Carolyn, Education Consultant  (Cricksoft) will demonstrate how to use Clicker 7 and  the support  it offers to emergent, developing and
struggling readers and writers.



Transport Social Story

This year we decided to save paper and help the environment by creating a digital social story to support pupils coming to school on the school bus.

Two of our pupils introduce the guides and drivers and explain that you must put on your seatbelt.

Thanks to E and Z for being good sports and helping to support this.

Senior Prom 2019

Thank you to everyone who came to our senior prom last night and made it a success for all our pupils.

Many thanks to the Parent Council for proving the food and a huge shout out to our depute head girl for the delicious class of 2019 cakes she made.

Have a look at some of the photos.

Prom photos 


Senior Prom

Isobel Mair School Senior Prom
Wednesday 25th June 2019
All secondary pupils are welcome to come party.

Buddies are free to come and join us.

After pupil power, the price of the prom has been reduced to £3 per ticket.
Our depute head girl, Gemma has suggested a dress as you please day on the last day of term and pupils pay £1 to help cover the costs of the prom.


Fundraising Evening

Fundraising Night for IMS and IMS Family Centre


We have been offered Oran Mor in Glasgow as a potential venue to hold a fundraising event for the school and Family Centre.

This event is open to all staff, parents, family , friends and we are trying to gauge numbers to make this a successful event.

Please see the form below for more information.

Click here

Final Consultation The Yard & Linn Park

The Yard & Linn Park Adventure Playground.

Image result for the yard scotland


Final informal consultation at The Wheatley Group in Glasgow on  Wednesday 19th June 3.30pm – 5pm.

Come along and support this project and find out more about their plans to offer play facilities for your child in the future.

If you are able to come please may you RSVP to

If you are not able to come but still wish to support us, please may you email us with your views as we would love to hear them.



Hannah Mitchell
Fundraising Manager
The Yard
22 Eyre Place Lane
Edinburgh EH3 5EH
0131 476 4506




The Yard and Linn Park

The Yard in Edinburgh is working with Glasgow Life to look into the feasibility of a Community Asset Transfer of Linn Park Adventure Playground. This is an incredibly exciting time for us, but they need your help.

The Yard is an Edinburgh based charity that works with disabled children and their families to provide them with fun, friendship, support and adventure. Currently we are most prominent in the east of Scotland, however we would like to try to support as many disabled children and their families as possible, and moving into Glasgow would help us to do that.

To secure the Community Asset Transfer of Linn Park we must demonstrate that other organisations  and stakeholders in the area are happy and positive about this, which is where you come in.

We are holding our final informal consultation at The Wheatley Group on Wednesday 19th June at 3.30pm – 5pm, and would be delighted if yourself or someone else from your Organisation could come along and hear about this work and support it. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided!

If you are able to come please may you RSVP to .

If you are not able to come but still wish to support us, please may you email us with your views.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Kind Regards,
Hannah Mitchell
Fundraising Manager
The Yard
22 Eyre Place Lane
Edinburgh EH3 5EH
0131 476 4506


Hair Cutting

Calling all parents…….. we are looking for hairdressers/barbers in the local area that have experience of working  with children who have sensory issues and find it difficult coping with having their hair cut.

Please let the office know if you have any recommendations to share with other parents.