Category Archives: Parent Council

Message from Parent Council Fundraising Group

Message from Parent Council Fundraising Group

We set up the school lottery in November and so far we’ve raised over £300. It’s a great way to raise money and will hopefully provide us with a constant small income throughout the year. This will help us to continue to fund treats for the pupils such as bouncy castles/silent disco at summer fun day, Santa gifts/selection boxes, Christmas Fayre games, and many other items. Please consider buying a ticket if you haven’t already. There’s a guaranteed winner from our supporters every week, and also a bigger weekly national prize of £25,000 up for grabs. Tickets are £1 and you can set up a direct debit or buy ad-hoc week by week.
If you’re not in a position to buy a weekly ticket then even sharing the link on your fb page/with family and friends could help us to boost our ticket sales.

Parent Council

Please click on the following link to access a message and survey from our newly elected Parent Council Chairpersons, Heather Robertson & Tracey Campbell.

The Parent Council met on Thursday 13th and new committee members were elected.

Joint Chairpersons are Tracey Campbell and Heather Robertson.

Joint Vice Chairpersons are Phemia McCarthy and Christine Cairns.

Treasurer Joanne McAlpine




Save the Date

Save the date!

Parent Council Meeting will take place  on Thursday  17th May at 7.00 PM .

Thank you to everyone who responded to Graham’s email. Looking forward to seeing all the new and more familiar faces at the meeting.

Coffee and Biscuits will be available.