Free School Meals and School Age Payment

ERC council website has now been updated with information about free school meals and clothing grants for session 2021-22, and a link to information about the School Age Payment has been added to the page.
The online application forms for free school meals and clothing grants will go live on 12th July.

Details about how to apply for the School Age Payment, and support available from MART with applying for all grants, have also been shared via the council’s social media pages.

Active Week and Parent Council Fundraiser

Just giving link:

The school are planning an Active Week on week beginning Monday 14th June,  to coincide with the Euros 21. The plan for the week is shown below: –

The parent council and school plan to incorporate a sponsored fundraising event into the week (similar to the October fundraiser some of our families took part in last year). The children can be sponsored for taking part in activities, in school, over the week. We have set up a Just Giving link which can be shared with family and friends, should they wish to sponsor your child. (Money can be handed in in envelopes should anyone be unable to use the link). The money raised will go towards buying outdoor equipment for the school including in in-ground trampoline, swing, and wheelchair cycle.

**We appreciate that it has been a particularly tough year financially for many people – the just giving link will allow people to sponsor the pupil body as a whole. There is no expectation that all families will be able to donate. **

There will also be a raffle at the end of the week. If anyone is able to donate raffle prizes, please let us know, or hand in to the school. We usually ask local businesses to donate prizes but, given the difficult circumstances businesses have faced over the last year we do not plan to do this.

This is the plan for active week:

Monday 14th – 1pm Opening ceremony – live assembly to announce the countries – make sure you have your flags and banners ready to cheer!
2pm – live kick off Scotland vs Czech Republic – classes can arrange to watch Scotland’s kick off

Tuesday 15th – Each class should prepare for euros week by going for a walk/run, this can be in the school grounds or the local community if appropriate

Wednesday 16th – Limber up! – Classes should focus on stretching today to warm up those muscles – this can be done through yoga, sticky kids, movement and relaxation – whatever suits your class best.

Thursday 17th – Ball skills – Time to get match day ready! Dribbling, kicking, passing, rolling, throwing and catching.  We are linking in with active schools to see if they can support with this.

Friday 18th SCOTLAND VS ENGLAND! – Celebration day so dress as you please – we would like classes to get ready for this big fixture – suggestions could be: face painting, bunting, singing. Bouncy castles for each playground and the Mod if restrictions allow by then.  There will be food and treats provided.

Just giving link:

EMA – Education Maintenance Allowance

Please see information below regarding EMA –   Education Maintenance Allowance 
•  If pupils are 16 years of age or over before 30 September 2021, they may be eligible for an EMA from August 2021. If the application is not submitted by 30 September 2021 the award will only be made from the week the application is received.

•  If pupils are  16 years of age between 1 October 2021 and 28 February 2022, they may eligible for an EMA from January 2022. if the application is not submitted by 28 February 2022 the award will only be made from the week the application is received.

•  The cut-off date for all EMA’s is 31st March 2022

•  More information can be found at