Avalon Parental Support & Respite Services

Avalon Parental Support & Respite Services

Avalon is a local charity set up to support parents caring for children with Autism. The charity was founded by two parents following the diagnosis of their daughter.  Therefore, we understand the challenges you face.  This year has been particularly challenging due to the pandemic, so we have developed some exciting new services to help you.

We  have partnered with leading wellbeing experts to develop two programmes for parents to enhance your wellbeing, which will begin in June (see details below).

 Benefits & time commitment

 Both programmes will be piloted to allow us to learn from the feedback and experiences of the parents who attend.  This will also provide parents with an opportunity to shape future services.  We know your time is precious, so the sessions have been been specially designed to be flexible and to fit in with your busy life.

For a sneak peek at what the programmes will include, watch this short video.

Register your interest by 19 May

If you’re interested in taking part or want to attend a virtual information session to find out more, complete this  short survey by Wednesday 19th May. The information sessions will be hosted by Pam Donnelly, Avalon’s founder and Chairperson.

May Bank Holiday Weekend

A reminder that School will be closed on Friday 28th May and Monday 31st May for holiday weekend. School will reopen for Primary pupils on Tuesday 1st June.

School will be closed for secondary pupils only on Tuesday 1st and Wednesday 2nd June