Deadline approaches for Best Start Grant School Age Payment applications

The deadline for families to apply for Best Start Grant School Age Payment is 28 February 2021.

The one-off £250 payment is currently open to families with a child born between 1 March 2015 and 29 February 2016. It can be used for anything from a warm coat to books and toys.

Parents who have deferred their child’s entry to school from August 2020 to August 2021, or those home educating, should still apply before the closing date.

Click here to access the file.

Surviving through Story

Book your tickets now! £30 for professionals and free for parents and carers (email for the discount code if applicable). 

Surviving Through Story  are running a series of three online training workshops each month starting this month on Thursday 21st January, 4:30-5:30pm. The Personal Storysharing with Story Massage workshop will be co-run with Mary Atkinson. co-founder of the Story Massage Programme and Gill White of Pamis.

Growing Up – free online sessions for parents and carers

Supporting puberty and adolescence sessions

With yet another lockdown upon us why not book onto  free online sessions designed especially for parent/ carers.

New for 2021 are sessions on Growing Up that will explore how best to support your child as they experience puberty and adolescence.  Support with managing their educational, practical and emotional needs, and helping them to develop positive relationships.

Please register beforehand by clicking the individual links:

Wednesday 20th January at 10:00 am

Book now via Eventbrite

Thursday 28th January at 10:00 am

Book now via Eventbrite

Looking after yourself

It’s never been more important to look after yourself so why not try our wellbeing session to help you understand what stress is and how it affects you. Identify new ways of coping with stress and reducing your stress levels. Try new stress busting ideas until you find ones that fit with you!

Book now via Eventbrite for Friday 22nd January 10:00 am

There are other sessions aimed to help you develop your skills for online and in-person for meetings with professionals. And sessions to support for siblings.  Book a session via our Family workshops webpage